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Episodes moments and the site.


So, 80 members, that's a good number.Now, today is the day of a new episode
and i just wanted to remind you guys to put up spoiler space if you want to
talk about it.

Also, if you think that they were too friendly, straed at each other way too
much or anything nice or sweet happened to them, tell us about it, share
your opinion, it mignt help when Pat put up the episode shipness
section(plus, it cheers me up , i don't get to see the episodes until middle

I'm thinking about doing a little review of the the episodes, you know, in a
B/W way, what happened in the episode and what could be considered
subtext(well, to me every scene with the two of them is subtexty,
but...).But i'll need some help with the fourth season episodes, so, if
there's a moment that you think would apply or if they say something that
could have an interesting double meaning, send it.

Now, have a nice episode, and before i forget, Pat just told me that he and
Jen are already working in the fic section of the site.It'll be up in a few

That was it

Amor é fogo que arde sem se ver,
é ferida que dói e não se sente;
é um contentamento descontente;
é dor que desatina sem doer.
(Amor é fogo...;Camões, Luís Vaz)

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