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Re: Trixie wrote a story


It's nice to see that you decided to post one of your stories.I hope to see
them coming from now on.But(there's a but).I can't get it.I don't know if
it's because my excite account(or my computer, don't know which) doesn't
take attachments well, but i cant' seem to find it.So, if the problem is
only with me, can you send it to my hotmail account? The address is
myself03@xxxxxxxxxxx , if it's a general problem, send it to the list
again.Also, i'm pretty sure that most of the people on the list would like
to read your fics, no doubt about it.So, post away : )

On Fri, 19 Nov 1999 21:59:01 GMT, Gillian Shearer wrote:

Okay folks this is the first part of a very long story that I wrote over
summer. If anyone cares thay can ask and I'll post the rest of it.
Spoilers:not bloody likely as I live way out in the middle of nowhere
without cable.
Content: True love oh aren't I a sap...
and the moral of the story kids is don't eat sugar before you go to bed.
One more thing I'm sending this as a file attchment cos I'm a dafty so if

you can't get it cos of that oh lucky you....
Lotsa love and apologies for making you read my rambelings

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