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Re: Hiya all

Because I
live way out in the
middle of nowhere I see the new Buffy episoded 200
years after the rest of
the civilised world and I just saw the episode where
Willow gets kidnapped
by the mayor and it was really cute, showed how much
Buffy and Willow care
about each other.

Somebody who gets the eps AFTER me! Wow. And I
thought I was in a bad way. *G* You have all my
sympathy, Trixie - I'm on tenterhooks for the new
season. Which I won't get till next year. >(

Yeah, that ep does show how much they care for each
other. I also got into the tension packed scene
between Faith and Willow. It screamed jealousy at me.
And didn't Willow have some great comebacks? :)
Faith was speechless!


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