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Re: FF Say it or Slay it (Part II of II)

--- Melissa Brendon <xander_willow@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Now that was cruel, are you so opposed to happy

Not at all. Some of my stories are so happy they
bring tears of joy to my eyes. *VEG* I do have a
reality type thing going though. And a bit of a
twisted bard takes residence in me on occassion. Aka
the baaadbard.

I mean I should
learn not to read the stuff I know isn't gonna end

are u opposed to non-happy endings? ;)

but could you
surprise me, just once, with a truely happy ending,
I know it's not
realistic, but I don't read fanfic for it's realism
I read it cause it takes
me away from the reality that sucks,

Oh yeah, tell me about it!

ok I'm done

You'll get your happy ending, Melissa, prob when u
least expect it...

it's nothing personal BB
(BadBard) I just has a bad day.

Again, tell me about it. *G*


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