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Theme for this Week:Dreams


Okay, i was just bannished from the list for a little more than 24
hours(okay, i punnished myself, but it still counts).I know i've been a bad
list daddy(which makes me wonder if it's true that whole moms are better
than dads thing) and i apolagize.To the 128 people that are mad at me for
that Sometimes thing(me included) i'm sorry.I know how terrible it can be
when someone does that with our e-mail, killing account space.I'm gonna find
a way to apolagize(like Willow, only without the cookies ).Well, now that
we're past that, on to what's really important:

First of all, welcome to the new list members, it's nice to have you with
us(what? after my recent screw ups i have to suck up a little).Okay, second
, the new fanfic theme for this week.

Okay, it's already 00:15 in here, so it's tuesday to me.Now, i decided that
it would be easier (and a lot more pratical) if i, myself, picked the themes
every week, voting would take a lot of time and everything.But, seen that i
don't have much creativity, i'll need help, so, if there's a theme you want
to ssee, or if you want the voting back, drop me a line, we'll work
something out.

Now, to the point, this week theme is Dream.It can be anything, as long as
dreams are involved.You can write a fic where Willow dreams about Buffy and
starts questioning things, Buffy having constants dreams about Wwillow and
deciding to do something about it, Xander having dreams, a prophetic dream,
anything.Now, was that easy or what? Anyone can do that.So, now start
writing it , the deadline is december 14.If you have any doubts or you're
new to the list, drop me a line.

Well, that's it for now.I hope you guys find this easier, and write.


Riley:...And so far, well, the only thing that I know she likes is you.(to
Willow, about Buffy)
Buffy:I need my Willow.
Buffy: I kind of love you.(to Willow)
Buffy:I love you, Will.
See, Buffy loves Willow.
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