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Re: A Slayer, A Hacker bug

Howdy there,

I think I'll add my 2 cents. *EG* Since so many
people use Netscape, I've downloaded that along with
IE in order to doublecheck all my webpages (although I
surf with IE only) and let me tell you, the
differences are vast and S C A R Y. Why, I've coded
pages that are virtually unreadable in one or show up
as squiggles. Squiggles! *LMAO*

Er back to the point. I had this problem with one of
my pages way back when (the clicking on link
downloading thing) so what I did was make all my
unfinished links non-links by makin' em comments.
Y'know adding (!--a href blah blah blah--) to the
index code. That way they didn't show up as links,
weren't links and surfers stopped madly clicking at
them. Very handy.

Ever since though, I don't publish unfinished stuff
which is driving a ton of my buds crazy right about
now. Yep, my satirical Buffy pg, 'Sunnydale Sucks'
*G* is STILL on my PC. Damn you, badbard! Damn you!
Hee hee hee...

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