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Re: FIC: Rumor Theme

Pat Kelly wrote:

My contribution to the rumor theme. I use Dave Matthews
Band's, "Recently" in this one. It's not mine. And oh
yeah, post-Hush.

So, I first want to say: great fic. I loved it. =]

However, I do want to add something. The term for someone
who practices Wicca (which is a religion, as well as being a
magical system, for the record) is Wiccan. Calling someone
a Wicca is akin to calling a person a Christianity.

I'm not sure why I picked this fic to clarify this. But
since I did, I'll also note that Willow is by no means
Wiccan. Wicca has a specific system of teaching and
ordination, as well as a rather specific god list; since
Willow has not been ordained Wiccan and calls on non-Celtic
gods, she's a Witch, or a Pagan, or some other term for
'person who does magic(k) and calls on the powers of many
deities', but not a Wiccan.

OK, end info. But if you want more, I could volunteer to be
a Witchy Information Source.

"Praise and glory! Wounded angel shufflin' round the room,
Eternity is down the hall and you sit there bendin' spoons."
-Johnny Cash, "In Your Mind"

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