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OT: Shadow's confusion

Greetings all. Let's just say that the last 3 days have not been one of
my better ones. First off, I come home monday and find this really big
box waiting for me, later Christmas gift, you understand. Turns out its
this rather nice corner desk, so I put the thing together.........8
hours total. Then I had to find a place to put it. Which took about
two days. The damn thing is bigger then I thought it was, and pretty
much had to tear apart the room to get it in the corner it was suppose
to go in.

Anyway, I finally got my room put back together and can now pay
attention to other things, like getting out part 5 of Stormchaser, and
starting work on those other fics of Rodrigo. So everybody give me a
little more time, okay? I got to figure out just there I put the hand
written part to Stormchaser and the other fics, then I can actually get
them posted. So please hold off on the tarring and feathering, I'm
working on everything as fast as I can, honest! *grins*

On the bright side, I go back to university next, week so chances are
I'll be even more confused then usual. {Be nice Rodrigo. *lol*} So any
questions? Comments? And no I refuse to give up eating and sleeping.
I get REALLY talkative, not to mention silly, when I haven't slept.
{Yes, Rod that would be more silly then usual. *VBG*} I'm off now, got
loads of mischief to make up for.


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