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FIC: Royalty (Chapter 5: Times Remembered, William Blood)

Hello dears...

Summary: Okay how do I explain this. I've always approached the writing of
some stories as one would a comic book, since I felt I reached a certain
climax with the end of chapter 4 (think of it as the first arc) I decided to
do something different with chapter 5. Now this story can stand alone and is
written at the request from Rodrigo to explore the future, I predicted in
chapter 2: Of Dreams and Dreamers, a little. I will write more of these
little interludes as the story moves on.

Now for this chapter you can expect:

1. Possible spoilers for future stories.
2. Massive happiness

By: Stefan Cilia

Chapter 5: Times Remembered, William Blood

As I sit in the highest tower of my castle. Watching the flicker of candles
on this old book I feel my mind drift back to the days when I was bit
younger, with blond hair and I had the best job in the world. My name is
William Blood and this is my story.

Words of warning for those who read this dust covered tome: I was for a long
time a man of action not words, so the words may seem wrong and events
described not quite as they happened. So I ask of you to keep in mind that
these are memories and thoughts of times past as they come to me in the

I've lived a long life, most of my friends from times past are long gone
now. I'm their children's and children's children friend now. Still a few
live on. One still watching and another still traveling. But theirs is story
for another night.
The mind wanders back through the decades, back to the summer at the dawn of
the new age.
I remember watching Elisabeth falling in love, Willow grow powerful and
Rupert fulfilling his destiny. I also remember the days when I couldn't see
the sunrise or the sunset, but since that fateful day all those years ago I'
ve seen thousands of dawns.
Some images and memories have faded, mostly the dark ones, the bad ones,
ones filled with sorrow and grief. Others remain sharp and bright in my
mind, those are the memories I cherish. I remember the day when I told
Elisabeth and Willow that I was in love with their daughter June, the day I
stood under the moon watching my friends declare love everlasting, the
morning I awoke with the sun on my face, seeing Rupert stumbling to propose,
so many memories, but this is my story, so lets get the bloody hell on with
it shall we.

The day when I first saw the sun after two hundred years would be good place
to begin. We'd been all over the known world and I had stood on top of a
pyramid in the center of the Amazon jungle, prepared to die, but as usual
life isn't always fair to me and that didn't happened. Of course my will to
life returned shortly after when I found my friends and my first love again.
After that I said that I would stay with them as long as it suited my needs,
so the months turned into years, the years into decades. I lost love and
found it again along the way. Once at the beginning and the again two
decades later. My children are long since flown from this castle where it
stands on it's island, some continue the fight we started, although not all
have followed the path set by my friends and for that I am glad. Knowing
that some of my children may never have to see what I have seen.

One particular year comes to mind as I look out at the stars and snow. It
was the year after Rupert took off and Elisabeth and Willow had had their
child. I was pretty busy at the time myself, raising my daughter and it was
not an easy job being a single father. The mansion was teeming with life,
laughter echoed through the house, always some coming or going, we even all
lived there for awhile. It was a quiet year. For some reason things had
quieted down somewhat shortly after the dawn of the new age.
Faith left us in search of Rupert early in the spring, promising to drag his
sorry ass back, or at least beat the daylights out off him when she'd find
him. She went on to do more then that if my memory serves me correctly.
Those were good times, times filled with joy. We celebrated Christmas and
the entire family gathered at the mansion, everyone still alive came, even
my poof of a sire made an appearance. The biggest surprise came late in the
evening, with the fire burning slow and me reading from Christmas Carol,
there was knock at the door. Elisabeth was the first to jump up and run to
the door. Buffy tearing it open, hopping against hope that her adopted
father had returned. Although we had to remove her hands from Faith's neck
moments later, since it seemed someone had hung mistletoe over the door. It
was nonetheless a joyous occasion. Faith later told us that she'd found
Rupert in a monastery in Italy and that the little incident on the porch was
something that wouldn't repeat itself. Well it did eventually some years
later, but again another story.

Which makes another memory drift into my mind one from the time when I
discovered my rather unfortunate attraction to June. It was during a
turbulence time in all our lives, Rupert had taken of again and this time
taking Faith with him in search of allies. Willow and Elisabeth were in
Europe battling the threads there. So I was left in Sunnyhell to stand watch
alongside the new generation. June was no longer a little girl, but quickly
becoming a woman and I realized at that time how hard it must have been for
Angel to be with Buffy, but once it began it couldn't be reversed. I tried
to stay away, tried to distance myself, but with little success. As stubborn
as both her mothers it was only a matter of time before I gave in. I know it
's the most masculine thing to say, but that's how it happened. Then came
the day when they all returned and I tell you it was a disaster. One
accidental peck on the lips and the cat was out of the bag. Rupert reverted
to Ripper before our very eyes, Elisabeth had a sword at my throat, Willow
took it with the calm that came with her wisdom, but still her eyes blazed
and Faith just gave a knowing smile..

"You up here again William?"
"Just writing memories dear, for the future and all that." I look up at her,
still beautiful, still ready to share forever with me.
"Well Rupert just arrived, along with some of the others, they said it's
"I better not keep him waiting then."
"I'll tell him you'll be down." She says and turns to leave, long reddish
hair flowing down her back. I'm glad that I choose to live this life,
despite everything.

* * * * * *

Next chapter back to the past, with Chapter 6: The Trenchcoat Brigade

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