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FF Fang Fairy

Fang Fairy
by badbard

Warning/Disclaimer:- Buffy & her Slayerettes belong
to Joss & his Mutant Enemies (such as the Warner
Brothers). I belong to...classified information and
as such, all of the non-existant profit being made on
this fanfic go to...classified information.

'Fang Fairy' is based on the
themes of the week, 'Magickal Talismans' or 'Spells
gone awry.'

It is set after third season and before fourth. In
other words, set after the episode, 'Buffy & Willow
don't admit they have a thing' and before the episode,
'Buffy and Willow tie the knot and we don't mean the
kinky kind until altverse skanky Will is vaccumed up
and let loose'.

It is rated 'H'. I hope that clears things up for
those of you who don't reside in the loony bin.


"Take this, 'Soulman'!" snarled Spike, hammering one
white fist into Angel's prominent jawbone with a
satisfying oomph of pain from his victim. Willow
cowered in the shadows, debating whether she should
create a timely distraction. The inner debate ceased
when Angel spat the blood from his now mottled mouth,
sending one crimson fang plopping into the gutter at
her feet.

"Eugh," muttered the amateur Wiccan as she gingerly
wrapped it up in her hankerchief. Later, when she
went to give it back to Buffy's boyfriend, she noted
he was the proud owner of twin Mr Pointys, what with
his semi-miraculous vampiric power of regenerating his

So she kept it. For packrat purposes.

A couple months and one return ticket to hell later...

Willow lay facedown on her bed, restlessly flicking
through a musty spellbook she'd pilfered from the cage
in Giles' library when he was listening to Buffy rant
about a rave she wanted to attend.

"There's gotta be a way," she muttered, flicking
faster. "What this bad-ass wiccan needs is a spell
that won't backfire, fizzle out or be a fake. What
this bad-ass wiccan needs is Buffy. Whoops." She
clapped a hand over her mouth. "Good thing you're
alone except for a rat who used to be a real live
girl, Rosenburg. Good thing you're not actually a
bad-assed enough wiccan to de-rat the rodent."
Ignoring the squeaking squeal of protest from Amy's
wheel, Willow turned the page and found herself
staring at a picture of Angel. "Whoa," she muttered,
"he's not making this easy for me. Big dead meanie."

Angel's angsty eyes seemed to fill the page, pooling
the ink into a black river of blood as she struggled
to keep reading. Words leapt out to burrow into her

Gypsy curse...demon who wears a soul...cried tears of
blood...drinks only to live...the fang of...magickal
talisman...great power...recreates the
feelings...brings forth life without
death...ingredients, one fang...

"Uh," mumbled Willow, "I wonder? Could Buffy love me
like I was him? Could all that be one visit from the
Fang Fairy away?" Pushing the spellbook onto the
floor she sat up to slide her bedside draw open. The
bloody hankerchief was still in pride of place, stench
and all. Angel's fang winked up at her, clotted with
his lifeblood. Slowly, feeling as though she was
someone else, someone who wasn't about to be sick, the
Wiccan went to the bathroom and held her prize under
the running tap 'till it gleamed cleanly. She almost
didn't hear Buffy come in. Almost.

"Will?" called the Slayer, stepping into her best
friend's bedroom, spidey-senses immediately detecting
the discarded spellbook and the bathroom door which
was slightly ajar.

"Buffy!" squeaked Willow, closing her fist over the
precious fang. If Buffy found her with her
ex's...sucky doozit, who knew what her reaction would
be? Probably something along the lines of dragging
Willow off to be locked up in the library cage for
further examination.

"Will, there ya are," Buffy bubbled, stepping into the
bathroom. "Hey, guess what?"

"What?" asked the Wiccan expectantly. Buffy opened
her mouth to answer than closed it. Then opened it
again to emit a gasp. "What?" cried Willow, staring
as the blood rushed away from Buffy's face. "What's
wrong? What?!"

"Y...y...you...you don't...don't, you just don't,"
Buffy babbled, looking as though she was about to fall

"What is it, Buffy?" pleaded Willow, reaching forward
to comfort her friend. Tears leaked from her eyes
when Buffy stumbled back, away from her. Blinking
them away, Willow couldn't help but notice their
consistancy was...crusty. Lifting her hands to wipe
her eyes dry, Willow choked on her scream as they came
away streaked with blood.

"Will." Buffy's voice was so very flat. "Look in the
mirror." The Wiccan bit her lip and shook her head
stubbornly. Twin rivers of blood leaked from her lips
and with a scream of pain she whirled away from the
starkly staring Slayer, fingers going up to prod at
the slittled fangs now protruding over her bottom lip.
Face to face with the mirror she looked in vain for a
reflection. According to the mirror, Buffy stood
alone in the bathroom, looking old beyond her years,
shoulders hunching over in pain. Willow sank to her
knees and sobbed.

"How dare you?" Buffy's face twisted into a grimace
approaching hatred. "How dare you?! You KILL my
Willow, you t..turn her and than you have the gaul to
play me for a fool?! If you didn't look like her,
demon, I'd rip your unbeating heart out through your
lung. But you do." Her shoulders sagged. A cheek
muscle twitched as she fought for precarious control
over her overtaxed emotions. "So...so I'm just gonna
stake you. Put her to rest."

"No, Buffy," wept Willow. "No, Buffy, no, no, no,
please, no..." The Slayer gulped hard and fought to
hold control.

"What would Will want," she muttered like a mantra.
"Must do what Will wanted. Can do this. Can. Will."

"I am Willow," screamed the Wiccan, on the edge of
hysteria. "My spell didn't work, Buffy, it was a
spell, this is a spell, I'm still me, I am, I am, oh
please believe me..."

"Trick," murmured Buffy, reaching up to easily snap
the wooden shower rod into a makeshift snake. She
checked the mirror almost absently, smoothing her hair
back from force of long habit. Still no Willow. The
Slayer let her mind cut loose. Taking careful aim,
she hefted the stake and managed a bitter smile.
"Trick, it's a trick, it's Mr Trick! Faith...betrayed
me. Faith, Hope and Trick. It's hopeless. Angel.
Angel left me. He LEFT me. You KNOW how much that
hurt me. How could you leave me too? How could you?"

"Buffy," whimpered the Wiccan, fearing for her
friend's grasp on sanity, not to mention on the stake.
"I did it for you. It was supposed to...I thought it

"Kill me if you killed my Willow?" mumbled Buffy,
licking her lips. "I think you're right, demon. It
would. It will soon." The stake came down. With a
mewl of terror, Willow pushed with her mind and
reached out for Buffy at the same time. The stake
flew from the Slayer's death-grasp even as Willow's
cold fingers unwrapped from around the fang and
re-wrapped around Buffy's knees. Hauling herself into
a kneeling position, Willow clung to Buffy as she
called her friend's name over and over. There was no
answer. Buffy was too busy gazing down at Willow's
newly born reflection. "Will?" she whispered in
disbelief. "What was in the punch?"

"What punch?" hiccuped Willow, using fistfuls of
Buffy's shirt to pull herself up into the Slayer's
fervant embrace.

"The one some freakin' juggernaut must have hit me
with," explained Buffy, burying her face in her
friend's shoulder. "I'm hallucinating. Or I was.
Were you...was I about to..."

"No," whispered Willow reassuringly, although she knew
otherwise. One hand rubbed the Slayer's twitching
back while one foot scooted Angel's fang under the
bathroom counter.

"You're a rotten liar," accused Buffy, unable to tear
her eyes from their solid reflection. "Are you
looking at my butt?"

"Anywhere but," grinned the Wiccan, glad to hear her
heart patter and thump again.

"Liar," said Buffy and Willow couldn't counter
because...she was.


Yet another disclaimer: Willow's shower rod was
damaged (broken even) during the course of this fanfic
but not to worry, Buffy offered to let Will share her
shower. *EG*

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