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Re: Weekly theme and other stuff

Also, is anyone else having trouble with excite.I'm getting messages one
week after they were sent, the e-mails aren't getting to their
destination(like the reply to kimber's where's Wally question).So, i'm
wondering, is this just me, or a general Excite thing?Also, if you sent any
mail to me and i didn't reply, please send again, or if you posted a fic on
the list and still haven't heard my hatefull words :) , don't worry, you
will :) Anyway, one more question:Does anyone know of a good web-based mail
server that has a large storage limit?I've had it with excite, and now i'm
trying to change for real.

I'm always having problems with Excite, and keep threatening to change
freemail on Pink Rabbit, but it's just such a pain that I haven't gotten
around to it. I think Subdimension and Mail and News (www.subdimension.com
and www.MailandNews.com) both have a ten meg allowances these days (and it
seems to me they can be used as webmail or as a pop server), which is the
largest I've ever seen. However, the following url has tons of links to
freemail servers so it might help you find the one that's best for you.


Anyway, sorry you're feeling so nasty. Been there, still getting over doing
that. Hope you feel better soon.

Take care,

--"If I was all that fond of real life, I would never have majored in theater"

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