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Re: FIC: Untitled (2/?)

--- ~~Kimber <kacoe@xxxxxxx> wrote:
OK Guys...you have to bear with me on this part.
There is A LOT of jumping around and a
lot of information for you to absorb. I tried to
keep it as straightforward as
possible...wait, no I didn't....Oh, well. You'll
probably find more questions here than
answers. Be patient.....I'm workin on it.
Without further adeau....here it is....

Title: Untitled (2/?)
Author: Kimber (kacoe@xxxxxxx)
Disclaimer: All BTVS characters belong to Joss
Whedon and Mutant Enemy.
Summary: (No summary yet.)
Spoilers: Everything is fair game. This is set
three years or more after Buffy and
Willow graduate college.
Distribution: Pat Kelly, Rodrigo, Gary Thompson,
Syrenslure and Serendipity. Anyone
else, e-mail me please.
Author's Notes: The more feedback I get the more
fic I write….nuff said.
Thoughts are enclosed in < > and flashbacks are
enclosed in <<< >>>

“. . .I’m afraid the only way to describe it is
addiction. She’s become dependant on the
ring and the Council is worried about the effect
it’s having on her.” He turned to the
slayer and dropped his voice. ‘I tried Buffy. God
help me, I tried. You don’t know how
many times I’ve wanted to smash it . . .but it’s a
necessity to her position.”

“So they want to send her on a little mental
vacation so she can get deprogrammed and not
need it anymore?” She still had so many questions
and was trying to follow the best she

“I’m afraid that’s not possible. As long as she
works for the Council, she will always
need the ring. Right now, it’s a matter of life and
death that she, temporarily at least,
live without it. There are things that have
happened to her, things she refused to deal
with and the Council, myself included, is worried
that it could mean . . .” He was unable
to continue.

Buffy realized, maybe for the first time, the
severity of the situation. “This is really
bad, Giles, isn’t it?” She wasn’t sure, but it
almost looked as if he was going to cry.

He took a few moments to compose himself and
continued on. “I’ll assume she told you
about when she was attacked . . .when we almost lost
her?” Buffy nodded her head. “She
was taken by the cadre of vampires, not just
attacked.” He turned away unable to face
her. “She was raped, Buffy. The demon that was
with them raped her while the vampires
watched and drank from her. She was left for dead
in a back ally not far from the
mansion. They did it to make an example of her. To
make an example of the Council, to
show them that they weren’t that powerful after all.
To show that they could infiltrate
the ranks, that they had the power.” He sighed
heavily. “It was one of the novice
watchers, the demon that is. He befriended her. He
was a shape shifter and was living
here all along.” He banged his fist on the table
and Buffy jumped. “He was my charge. I
was assigned to train him and I never saw it. Never
saw the monster for what he truly
was. She was found by chance. Quentin was out for
a walk and found her there. . .almost
completely drained.” He waited a few moments then
came around the table to sit next to
her. “Do you see now why I had to stay? Why I
couldn’t abandon her? I felt so
responsible . . .”

”It wasn’t your fault, Giles.” Buffy wiped the
tears from her eyes and placed her hand on
his for comfort. “If a houseful of Watchers and
slayers-in-training couldn’t see it . .
then how could you?”

He smiled at the simple truth of it. “Yes, I
suppose you’re right. You need to take care
of her, Buffy. Help her heal. Try your hardest,
would you?”

Buffy nodded and leaned over to give him a hug. “I
will, Giles. I promise.”

Willow walked into the kitchen and caught sight of
them there. “I see you two have been
plotting my demise?” She walked over and opened the
refrigerator for closer inspection.

They were shaken at her presence. Buffy spoke up.
“No. . . no demise plotting here.”
She managed a weak smile.

Willow turned around and scrutinized them both. “I
see. And I suppose the tears are just
because you’re so happy that we’re having turkey for
dinner?” She arched her eyebrows and
went back to her task.

Buffy gave Giles a surprised look, and then directed
her attention to the girl in front of
her. “Gee, Will, callous much?”

She didn’t turn around and gave her reply to no one
in particular. “If I didn’t have my
ring on I’d be really insulted by that remark.” She

<That’s it!> Buffy got up and stalked up to her.
She grabbed her shoulder and turned her
around. “Enjoy your monotone-melancholy little
performance while you can, Red.” She
grabbed her hand and held it up between them.
“You’re not gonna have this security
blanket much longer.”

Giles tried to defuse the situation. “Yes, well . .
.I’ll assume you’re both packed and
ready to go?”

Without taking her eyes off of the enraged slayer,
Willow responded. “About as ready as
I’ll ever be I suppose.” She broke from her grasp
and headed out the door.

Buffy stood there in shock. “How can you stand her
like that, Giles?” She motioned to
the door. “Three years ago, she never would have .
. .”

”No, she wouldn’t. You must realize what you’re
dealing with, Buffy. If you’re not up to
it, then . . .”

“Believe me Giles, I’m up to it.” She walked up to
him. “I’m all over being up to it.”
She exited the same way Willow went just moments

He stood there for a moment and ran his hand through
his hair. <For her sake, I hope you


The ride to the cottage was made in relative
silence. Buffy attempted about two minutes
worth of conversation until Willow pulled her
headphones over her ears for the rest of the
trip. They traveled along the coast for about three
hours until they came upon a small
village. The driver rolled the divider window down
and announced that they’d be there in
ten minutes.

<Great. Let the games begin.> Willow heard him
through the headphones and began for the
thousandth time to reconsider her position. <I
don’t know if I can do this.>

They walked into the cottage and the driver left the
bags by the door. “James will be
staying in the servant’s quarters. He’s been
instructed to prepare your meals and perform
all household duties. Beyond that, he will not
interfere.” The driver fished around in
his pocket and produced a letter. “These are some
final instructions from Mr. Giles. I’m
sure you’ll find everything you need.” He handed it
to Willow, tipped his hat, and was
out the door. A few moments later they heard the
car pull away.

Willow opened the letter and began to read:

Dear Willow and Buffy,

I hope this finds you both well and safe within the
cottage. You have all the supplies
you need and James will tend to the house. There is
no reason for either of you to be
discouraged in this task. I’m sure you will face it
together. The Council has informed me

=== message truncated ===

Great story!!!! Hope you continu it... Uncertain about
the ring Willow was wearing and its imfortance...
Cordy and Angel, interestting!!! Where's Xander, Anya
and OZZ??? Faith is only mension in passing... Will
she make an appearance??? Does this take place in
Sunnydail??? in the openning Buffy and Willow haven't
seen each other in three years... What was Buffy doing
and where was she???

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