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Heart (2/?)

Title: Heart (2/?)
Author: Lowdex
Feedback: Any comments or suggestions send to: lowdex@xxxxxxxxx
(this is the first fanfic I'm attempting to finish!)
Summary: Don't know yet-I'm making it up as I go along
Spoilers: Up to and including the fourth season
Disclaimer: The characters of Buffy Willow Giles and any others from
BTVS are the property of Joss Whedon and Mutant Enemy etc. No
infringement of any kind intended.

Part 2

15 minutes before:

Buffy Summers, the chosen one of her generation to battle the forces of evil, the protector of
the innocent, the only one that stood between hell on earth and a . . .a not so hellish earth,
stood on the raised dais with tears of joy running down her face. Holding a large bouquet of
roses that was threatening to burst from its plastic confines, she gracefully accepted the gold
medal presented to her by the judge.

"Thank you, thank you. This is the happiest moment of my life. I feel so proud to win this
figure skating medal on behalf of the United States."

As the crowd roared its approval, Buffy's eyes scanned the crowd, finally settling on a familiar
figure dressed in a fuzzy blue ski bunny outfit that hugged every curve of her delicious body.
<<Wait...did I just say delicious??? No, not delicious. This is Willow we're talking about.
She's "Best Friend Girl", not "I'm so sexy, now kiss me Grrl"...right?>>

As Buffy examined this new facet to her emotions, she failed to notice that her surroundings
were beginning to disappear, melting into a darkness that was fast approaching her from all
sides. By the time she did notice that not everything was kosher, there was nothing left save
an inky void which lay on all sides.

"H..Hello?" This isn't fair, I wasn't done with that dream yet. I want my stadium...I want my
fans...I want my Willow!

Not getting any type of response, Buffy decided a more proactive approach was necessary.


If I can't get back to my dream, I'm going to, at least get out of this nightmare.

Deciding that there was only one sure-fire method to waking up, she started to pinch herself
only to cry out in agitation a split second later.

"Owww. What kind of messed up dream..."

<<Tha-Thump, Tha-Thump, Tha-Thump, Tha-Thump, Tha-Thump, Tha-Thump>>

"Oooooh. How very TellTale Heart of me to dream this up. Well there's no reason, I should be
standing here like some brain dead idiot when there's explorin' to be done. "

Picking a direction at random, she'd hardly taken one step before a stabbing pain in her chest
doubled her over like a soft pretzel. It was as if someone were jamming their hand down her
throat and squeezing her heart for all it was worth...only worse. As if that weren't enough,
Buffy began losing all feeling in her arms, legs, torso, head, and even her ears felt numb.
Juxtapose the numbness to the excruciating pain and you'd get what she was feeling at the time,
which was to say, she'd had better days. The beating became thunderous as it matched Buffy's
heartbeat. For long, agonizing seconds, the torture continued until everything suddenly stopped,
leaving total silence.

to be continued...

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