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A Higher Power (9/?)

Well here I go again. Hope ya'all like it.
I'm begining to see a light at the end of the tunnel
Title: A Higher Power (9/?)
Author: Alex
Feedback: Please any comments or suggestions to: keeper444@xxxxxxxxx
Summary: Ancient forces are forced to take a hand in Buffy & Willow's
Spoilers: I don't know I put them in college because that's where they
are now.
Disclaimer: The characters of Buffy Willow Giles and any others from
BTVS are the property of Joss Whedon and Mutant Enemy etc. No
infringement of any kind intended.
Notes: Willow gets a history lesson
and learns some hard facts
Title: A Higher Power (9/?)
Author: Alex
Lugh's voice filled Willow's mind with pictures of times long past as he
continued the history lesson.

"From the beginning there have been two forces ruling the natural
universe. the Druid began "One is Light, representing order and
The other is Darkness, representing chaos and change.Each fighting the
other for control. They were both kept at bey by the Old Ones until the
younger gods of man came and exiled the Old Ones to another plane from
which they could not escape.
Since they didn't know any better men and their gods aligned themselves
with either the Light or the Darkness and went to war each side trying
to subdue the other.
Some of us however remembered the teachings of the Old Ones and knew
that a total victory for either side would mean the end of the world.
You see if the Light wins there is complete and total order and the
world would stagnate and die and if the Darkness wins the resulting
total chaos and destruction would send the world reeling into oblivion.
Our kind has sworn to maintain the proper balance between them. It's a
simple equation actually,
  in order to have peace and civilization you must have order
however you must also have a certain amount of chaos so man will
progress and evolve in to his next level."

Lugh stopped to take a drink, he had not talked this much in a very long
time and it was exhausting.
He only hoped it was worth the trouble and the young witch would
understand what he was trying to tell her.
He was beginning to become fond of her. She reminded him of young
Brigit with her soft gentle ways the intelligent light in her eyes and
the brave and noble way she had rushed to her friend's aid without
regard for her own safety.

"Okay, I understand so far," Willow said filling the silence "but what
does any of this got to do with us."

"Fair enough." Lugh began again, Willow could hear the strain in his
voice "I will skip over several thousand years of Druid history and as
you put it get to the point.
In order to limit the destruction caused by their eternal conflict, the
Old Ones laid a gies on the Light and the Darkness so that they can not
confront each other directly so they must use champions,"

"Right so Buffy is the Chosen One the champion of the Light. I already
knew that now how do we fix her?" Willow demanded

"Patience child" Lugh said deflecting Willow's impatience "You see the
two powers are allowed to endow their champions with incredible powers
both physical and spiritual. The problem is that all that power forced
into one lesser being warped and twisted the soul until the being either
released their soul or became a babbling lunatic of no use to anyone.
Darkness' answer was to dole out a certain amount of power to many
Light on the other hand decided to give a few of it's followers half
the power either they got great physical prowess or tremendous spiritual
gifts with a few mystical individuals as mentors.
The halves are always female the others can be either gender."
Lugh could see the light of comprehension in Willow's eyes.
"That is correct my dear you are the Slayer's other half."

"That is the truth little one." Brigit added "Just like Morrigan and
myself. The ancient name for it was 'sisters of the soul' "

"B-but how?" Willow stammered surprised

"Most of it is fate, that is what brought the two of you together And
your intertwining destinies" Lugh explained "However the taboos placed
upon you by your rather cold and narrow minded society and the forces of
Darkness have combined to keep you from acknowledging each other and
bonding as was meant to be."

"We would have waited for nature to take it's course, as is our way"
Brigit interjected "But when your other became ill almost to death we
knew we must, in order to preserve the balance, take direct action. So
we came to get you, although we were nearly too late."

"I'm grateful for the rescue and I don't mean to sound disrespectful."
Willow interrupted desperate to understand "What does that have to do
with curing Buffy?"

"Think little one." Brigit instructed "She has a demonic infection, that
is an affliction of the soul.
She needs her spiritual half to cure it."

"But I've been there all along." Willow sobbed afraid they were wrong
about her and Buffy "Why didn't she get any better?"

"I can explain that better than Lugh can." Brigit said taking Willow's
hand into her own soft warm ones "She did not get any better because you
have both denied your true emotions about each other, therefore you were
blocked from each other by your own selves. You must confess your
feelings for each other to each other and embrace your joint fate.
  Only then will you be able to cure her and restore her strength,
Only then will you both be able to protect each other and the rest of

Morrigan came up behind Brigit and wrapped her arms around her, Brigit
leaned back into the embrace and tilted her head back to meet her wild
red haired lover's lips.
They shared a deep kiss then looked into each other's eyes.
Willow envied their closeness and the ease with which they openly
displayed their affections she found herself wishing that she and Buffy
could be like them.

"The sister of your soul is awake and asking for you." Brigit said
without breaking her eye contact with Morrigan "You know how to cure her
Willow, it is up to you and the Slayer now."
End part 9/?
No matter where you go - there you are.
Sorry didn't mean to offend won't do it again. ~A~

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