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Bye (ATTN archivers of my fanfic)

Hi before the bye,

Okay, those of you who know me and even those of you
who know of me must realise I have obsessive
tendancies. Lately these have been laid onto Buffy.

Lately I have also realised I need to live a little.

Thus I won't be writing fanfic anymore (least for
awhile) and I really want to remove the stuff that is
out there. (y'know who picky we authors can get)

I realise this may take quite a bit of time and
trouble on the part of the webmasters/mistresses who
have been kind enuff to archive my stuff but please,
respect what I want and remove it when you next
update. Thanks.

I'm also leaving the Buffy n Willow lists and I'd like
to say that I have had an incredible time here. The
BuffylovesWillow list was by far the best list
(especially for great fanfic and lots of it) that I've
ever been on *VBG* and Rod by far the most devoted
list daddy I've met.

It was Tater's brill idea to start the BuffyGrrls list
and tho we falter occassionally in the discussion area
I STILL think it was a brill idea. ;)

I'd only just joined the WillowFic list but hey,
Willow and fanfic, how could I miss?

The SapphicSlayer list helped me keep the Faith and u
Faithfans will know what I mean. *G*

BuffywantsWillow is what Xena is to Hercules. A
wonderful lis...er show. Hotter too. Heh.

BTW any Xena/Gab fans out there, INSIDE the BGSB has
come down too but you're welcome to go click, click,
click on the url in extreme frustration.

I'll miss u all.

Talk about your difficult decisions.

BTW as for unfinished stories like 'Wiggins' - much
grovelling and building of sharp picket fences between
me and rabid fans. If u want to know what would've
happened - that ancient dagger was the opposite of a
bloodlust weapon. (y'know swords in fantasy which have
to kill every time they're drawn?)

Thus it healed it's victims using the life energy of
the weilder - that's how Faith recovered from the coma
and why Buffy was so sick at the beginning.

The reason Giles/Wilkins fed Buff that particular
version of the waters of Lethe is 'cause Wilkins isn't
in complete control. He wanted the Slayer dead and
Giles managed to compromise by rendering the Slayer
inactive but very much...still the Slayer.

Willow wins the day. (I won't go into detail though u
wish I would) Buffy regains her memory and also
remembers kissing Will etc. Yet she pulls away from
her friend once she remembers the danger she's always
putting her in. Onto the sequel that doesn't
exist...as ya can see there are rarely completely
happy endings where I'm involved.

Like this one.

See ya,
hugish capiche,

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