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Re: Whole 'Coming Out' thing/FIC:One Day At A Time

From the strange land of January 4, 1980, Jon Penner wrote:

From: "Jon Penner" <jonpenner@xxxxxxxxxxx>

A hell of a magnum opus MR - I really enjoyed it, and a joy to
read a story with no glaring spelling errors or odd commas
disrupting the flow. The only constructive criticism I would offer
would be in the slightly jerky style (you did ask) but a superb
start. I hope we see a lot more of your work in future,

I just wanna know how you're posting from 1980. Please tell
me? Please?

Casseigh (who is working, slowly, on "Lupine Dreaming," as
well as a Willow/EvilWillow fic)
"Praise and glory! Wounded angel shufflin' round the room,
Eternity is down the hall and you sit there bendin' spoons."
-Johnny Cash, "In Your Mind"

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