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Thanks on TT&T and FB on the Wolf Within

Hey All!

<stands and gently taps his spoon on the crystal glass>

First with the good feedback:

I LOVE the Wolf Within story and it warms my retired role-playing heart to
read it, more if you could be so kind. Other parts of my so called heart
work fine BTW

Now the thanks:

First thanks for all the kind words and the okay you gave me on killing
Angel <g> and Bill I'll never stop writing in one form or another, my ego is
too big for that, but if you guys really piss me off I'll just go back to
writing Star Trek or X-files fics.

Then escape wrote this in reply to the end of TT&T:


What the heck is this, if you don't mind me asking?

It's also good to hear some people actually have working tear ducts, I was
beginning to wonder there for a while <g>

And finally some people are actually so glad that TT&T is finally at an end
that they're throwing their hands up and shouting with joy...

Once again thanks!

Stefan Cilia

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