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Fic: The Wolf Within (Prologue)

I know writing a prologue after the first couple of chapters is a
little weird. Who do I think I am, George Lucas? Anyway, it's just a
short little thing, but I hope you like it.

TITLE: The Wolf Within
AUTHOR: Erin (erin@xxxxxxxxxxx)
SPOILERS: None, really.
RATING: PG-13 at worst, because of some violence. It is a
Buffy/Willow fic, so if that bothers you, or it's illegal to even
think of a Slayer and a Witch getting it on, then just don't read it.
Or move.
DISCLAIMER: Buffy the Vampire Slayer and all characters belong to Joss
Whedon, Mutant Enemy, and Fox. I'm just borrowing them for a bit.
I'll put them back when I'm done, no worse for wear (but maybe a
little happier). Most of the werewolf stuff is copyright White Wolf,
such as Garou, Crinos, Child of Gaia, Glass Walker, etc.
ARCHIVE: Currently, none. Just ask, I'd love to say yes.
FEEDBACK: Constructive comments are encouraged.
SUMMARY: (Buffy/Willow) Willow discovers that there is more to her
than meets the eye, and it could tear her life apart.


These are the End Days.

The time at which the defenders fall, and the Wyrm rears up to breathe
His corruption down upon the Earth.

Have we not already seen the signs? The Wyrm's minions, spreading out
over the face of Gaia. She groans, under the weight of their
desecrations, and under the teeming throngs of Humanity. Already we
have seen countless Leeches spawned, skulking through the night,
passing their corruption on to Human hosts.

And we are too few.

Black death spreads out across Her oceans; cold machines tear at Her
flesh. Dark asphalt suffocates Her, and cities rise like scabs on Her

These are the Days of Apocalypse.

The young woman sighed softly, and closed the book. Movement caught
her eye, then, and she looked up to see her mentor entering the room.
"Athro," she said, using the archaic term for 'teacher', "what can I
do to aid you?"

The old man looked down at her proudly. "The time has come for you
and I to part ways for awhile." At her shocked look, he continued
quickly. "You have been a fine Adren, an excellent student. But I
have been communicating with the spirit of Unicorn, and we have agreed
that there is a task you must perform."

"Task, Athro?" She was saddened by the thought of leaving her teacher,
but the idea of performing a task on behalf of Gaia thrilled her.
"What task?"

He smiled at her enthusiasm. "There is a city to the south of here
called Sunnydale. We believe there to be one or more Lost Cubs in the
area. In addition, the place is a haven for Wyrm activity. I suspect
you will not find it a boring place."

The woman only grinned in response.

END Prologue

"I question the stability of a company whose future depends on
Microsoft programs being intelligent. I don't question the idea
that Office Assistants are the most advanced Microsoft technology."
-- Joel Ray "Piquan" Holveck
*email: erin@xxxxxxxxxxx

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