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Let me get this straight. Your husband, husband, is begging you for the next
part? That's...different. I have to ask, has he read any other stories?
(Like mine, nudge, nudge)



"I have misplaced my pants." (Homer J. Simpson)

"You know what the secret of life is?"
"Your finger?"
"One thing. Just one thing."
"That's great, but what's the one thing?"
"That's what you gotta figure out."
(Jack Palance, Billy Crystal, City Slickers)

"I heard your heartbeat." (Buffy Summers, to Angel, ANGEL)
----- Original Message -----
From: Erin <erin@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <buffyloveswillow@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2000 10:22 PM
Subject: Re: [buffyloveswillow] I NEED FICS TO READ

From: Erin <erin@xxxxxxxxxxx>

On Wed, 23 Feb 2000 19:03:34 -0500, you wrote:

>Come on, people! I'm bored, and taking a break from my writing frenzy.
>I have to work out plot elements. While I do that, I'm going through
>fic withdrawl. I need fics to read! Feed me guys.
>(This is mostly directed towards Erin, ANgela, and Cilia. But if
>someone wants to come out of the woodwork...)

Tell me about it, I haven't even started Part 7 yet. <sheepish grin>
It will be done tonight, tho, promise. My husband is pestering me for
the next part, and it's pretty hard to live around that. :)

"C'mon. It's the Internet. Where men are men, and so are the
women." -- Greyfox, Slashdot
*email: erin@xxxxxxxxxxx

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