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RE: FIC: Restart(Or - Five by Five what?)

I understood the context, but I'd never known the history of it... where it
originated... interesting!

] -----Original Message-----
] From: Erin [mailto:erin@xxxxxxxxxxx]
] Sent: Thursday, March 02, 2000 9:50 PM
] To: buffyloveswillow@xxxxxxxxxxx
] Subject: Re: [buffyloveswillow] FIC: Restart(Or - Five by Five what?)
] From: Erin <erin@xxxxxxxxxxx>
] On Thu, 2 Mar 2000 18:23:34 -0500 , you wrote:
] >From: "Clarke, Carol A - Hazelwood" <CAClarke2@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
] >
] >Great story as always Pat. But you will add more right because I need to
] >know what happens. And what does 5 by 5 mean?
] Five by five is radio slang. Basically you'd call out for anyone to
] tell you what your signal strength is, and someone would (hopefully)
] reply that you were coming in 5 by 5, which meant "loud and clear"
] basically. The instruments they had which measured that had 5 hash
] marks on it.
] Of course, Faith uses it to mean either "you're coming in loud and
] clear/I understand you", or "everything's ok/I'm ok" depending on
] context. :)

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