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Re: [buffyloveswillow] ***Newsflash***

I feel I must speak in response to this alarming news. I too of been
victimized by the BRLF. "Walkaways" was not put on hold voluntarily as I had
stated previously. It was stolen by the Liberation Front. I was afraid to
speak out until now.

Thankfully the group has not attempted to steal "Who Am I?". I'm still
puzzled as to why that is, but I think it has something to do with them
being scared of Faith.

Anyhow, I'm asking everyone to pray to whatever God or Gods they might
believe in so this group will release its demands and then we can put an end
to this madness.

Stand strong my fellow list members.


"I have misplaced my pants." (Homer J. Simpson)

"You know what the secret of life is?"
"Your finger?"
"One thing. Just one thing."
"That's great, but what's the one thing?"
"That's what you gotta figure out."
(Jack Palance, Billy Crystal, City Slickers)

"I heard your heartbeat." (Buffy Summers, to Angel, ANGEL)
----- Original Message -----
From: Sunnydale Weekly <SunnydaleWeekly@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: <buffyloveswillow@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: <buffywantswillow@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Sunday, April 09, 2000 12:34 AM
Subject: [buffyloveswillow] ***Newsflash***

We interrupt your regularly scheduled program for breaking news from the
Buffy News Network. This just in. . .

We have received reports concerning two works of fiction: Stormchaser by
Shadowlander and Rocky Road by Kimber. Apparently, an elaborate heist has
been pulled off and the works of fiction have been taken hostage. Some
reports say that a group of rabid Buffy/Riley 'shippers have stormed both
Kimbers and Shadows hard drives taking the fiction right from under their

A list of demands from the BRLF {Buffy/Riley Liberation Front} has not
received yet. . .but there has been minor ramblings about a Mr. Angel Liam
and Miss Willow Rosenberg being formally kicked out of the buffy-verse and
having Buffy Summers and Riley Finn moving in together in the dorm.

Stay tuned for further details concerning this explosive situation.

***Sunnydale Weekly - What you know today will more than likely change
tomorrow. . .Taking a bite out of the news since 1996***

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