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Re: [buffyloveswillow] NOTE: The Rocky Road

On Fri, 21 Apr 2000 02:09:11 -0400, you wrote:

Shadow and Pat warned me that I was gonna be hunted down and tarred and
feathered like the bad bard that I am.....only Shadow predicted that
Erin and Kimly would be leading the pack complete with burning torches
and everything! hehe

I just have one thing to say.

You. Suck.

Ok, that's two things. :)

Yes, you almost frigging killed me with that last part. I sat there,
staring at the (15/15) for five minutes, hoping it was just a
horrible, terrible mistake. Praying that someway, somehow a "(16/15)"
would miraculously show up in my mailbox.

But NO.


If there is enough of an outcry for it....I *could* perhaps be persuaded
to do an Epilogue.....maybe. Like I said to Pat and Shadow this
afternoon....It's called the Rocky Road for a reason. You guys *really*
didn't expected a happy ending....did you?

YES! I can't be the only person who was hoping you were talking about
the ice cream, dammit. :)

(Light the torches! Ready the pitchforks!)


p.s. Awesome story, OBVIOUSLY! Must have more! Gotta have more! (Erin,
her mind already unhinged from writing too much Faith, cackles madly.)
Buffy: "Would you like to?"
Faith: "Wow. Think you can take me?"
Buffy: "Yeah."
*email: erin@xxxxxxxxxxx
*web: http://www.heckman.net/erin

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