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Re: [buffyloveswillow] Fic: "Forgive if not Forget", Part Two

Woo hoo!

Oh how I've missed you Janine!! I like the way you've got this going...the whole Buffy
reflecting thing...haven't seen it done quite like this and I have to say it's very
refreshing. I'm really diggin the way you write Faith too...heh...Now I know what you've
been doing away from the fold....channelling Faith!! heh...just what we need...another
one...as if it wasn't bad enough that Erin had an inside track to our favorite Dark
Slayer's mindset.....

I look forward to more....keep goin babe!!!!

Your humble bard,

Vice President and Treasurer of the Riley/Oz neutering society and garden club...

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Your source for fanfiction based on the Buffy & Angel shows.

"I just realized, that's what I wanna do. Fight evil - help people. I think it's worth
doing, and I don't think you do it because you have to. It's a good fight Buffy and I
want in!"
"I kind of love you."
Willow and Buffy in "Choices"
"No candle? I brought you one. It's extra flamey. Tara, I have to tell you. . ."
"No, I understand. You have to be with the person you love."
"I am."
"You mean?"
"I mean. Okay?"
"Oh, yes."
Willow and Tara in "New Moon Rising"

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