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RE: [buffyloveswillow] BuffyLovesWillow available at EScribe

Question of the Day. So now that you've registered the list with
EScribe.com are we staying with EGroups or migrating over there?? Since a
lot of people are somewhat in the air about what's going on and what's going
to happen.


I've registered our mailing list with EScribe.com. The archive is now
available on the
web. The advantage to this is that you can list messages according to
author name. So if
you've missed parts of a story, you can look them up. Have fun and here's
the link:

Your humble bard,

Vice President and Treasurer of the Riley/Oz neutering society and garden

E x q u i s i t e + C o a l e s c e n c e
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Your source for fanfiction based on the Buffy & Angel shows.

"I just realized, that's what I wanna do. Fight evil - help people. I
think it's worth
doing, and I don't think you do it because you have to. It's a good fight
Buffy and I
want in!"
"I kind of love you."
Willow and Buffy in "Choices"
"No candle? I brought you one. It's extra flamey. Tara, I have to tell
you. . ."
"No, I understand. You have to be with the person you love."
"I am."
"You mean?"
"I mean. Okay?"
"Oh, yes."
Willow and Tara in "New Moon Rising"

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Conference in the whole family on the same call.
Let the fights begin! Visit Firetalk.com - Click below.

Community email addresses:
Post message: buffyloveswillow@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subscribe: buffyloveswillow-subscribe@xxxxxxxxxxx
Unsubscribe: buffyloveswillow-unsubscribe@xxxxxxxxxxx
List owner: buffyloveswillow-owner@xxxxxxxxxxx

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Offical archive for the list:

This is an archive of the eGroups/YahooGroups group "BuffyLovesWillow".
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