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FIC: Born Again (9/?)

Title: Born Again
Part: 9
Author: Cilia
E-mail: cilia@xxxxx
Feedback: Please god yes
Distribution and Archiving: Sure go for it
Disclairment: You know it.
Summary: This little story began as attempt to do something new and
different. It focuses almost entirely on Willow and her adventures in th Old
World (Europe). Some time has past and we begin the story when we meet an
older more experience Willow, still old friends are around the corner and
Buffy never more then a phonecall away.
So I hope you enjoy this work,
Notes: You can find the missing parts at http://www.mmedia.is/~cilia/again
and then I wish to thank my beta Ollie and my critique Stan

Born Again

Chapter Eight

Willow turned around and the fading rays of the sun hit her face. First she
planned on seeking counsel from Sister and then she and Spike were going on
the hunt for the new player in town.
"Sister Agnes," she whispered as she made her way between the
"Here my child," Agnes said and closed a book she'd been
"We've got a." Willow trailed off when she saw Susan Swift.
"Willow I'd like you to meet Susan Swift," Agnes introduced.
"We've already met," Susan explained as they shook hands.
Agnes look up as person walked through the front doors with his coat pulled
over his head.
"Spike?" Willow asked in an amazed voice.
"Aye luv," Spike said as he put the coat back on.
"Have you completely lost you marbles," Willow whispered as she
drew him away from Agnes with an apologetic look.
The shock of seeing Spike distracted her so she didn't notice the
recognition in Spike's eyes when he saw Agnes, nor did she see the glare
Agnes shot Spike.
"Well, I thought this was urgent," he said and handed her the
Willow quickly scanned the letter, then look up at Spike who just nodded and
the she looked back at Sister Agnes and Susan Swift, distant relative and
soul heir of Michael Swift.
"Bloody hell," Willow cursed.
"You think she knows?" Spike asked.
"Only one way to find out," Willow stated as she pulled him over
to the two women.
"Sister Agnes, Susan this is Spike," she introduced.
Spike flashed his trademark grin that always did one of two things, either
charm women, or scare men shitless. Susan seemed to show the standard
response, but Agnes, well she was a nun after all.
"A pleasure," Agnes said with a nod.
"So Susan what you brings to the Library?" Willow asked.
"I got a call from a lawyer that a distant relative of mine,
Michael Swift, had died and that he'd named me as his sole heir, " Susan
explained. "You knew him didn't you?" she asked Willow.
"We did businesses few times," Willow stated.
"Pardon my bluntness, but did you know him at all?" Spike asked.
"Nope, only that he owned several business in town, here you
take a look," she said and handed him a paper.
"Interesting, these are some of the best clubs and restaurants
in the city," Spike nodded as he ran town the list and then handed it to
"Could you show them to me?" Susan asked.
Willow looked slowly up from the paper and Spike gave her a curious look.
"Well I'm kind of lost, seems that the city has changed quite a
bit over the year," she explained.
"Consider it my pleasure," Spike said before Willow could
"Willow is invited too," Susan said with a knowing grin,
"Of course," Spike said and saved himself.
"You go ahead and wait by the car. I need to talk to Sister
Agnes," Willow offered.
"It was nice meeting again Susan," Agnes said.
"You, too, Agnes and I promise that I'll be around more often,"
Susan said.
"Ready?" Spike asked and offered his arm.
"And I thought men like you were extinct," Susan said and took
the offered.
"Vampire?" Agnes asked.
"Yep and full of it, but he's harmless," Willow answered.
"Michael is dead." .
"You got a letter I presume?"
"Spike delivered it. What should I do?" Willow asked.
"Respect his wishes," Agnes answered calmly.
"That's it?" Willow asked with a raised eyebrow.
"That's it." Agnes stated.
"What did he write you?" Willow asked.
"The same as he did you, asking me to look out for Susan," Agnes
"How do you know her anyway?"
"I wasn't always a nun," Agnes answered and that was all Willow
knew she'd get out of her.
"Well I better go catch up with them before Spike starts putting
the moves on your friend," Willow said.
"Go with God, Willow, and good luck," Agnes said.
"Gonna need it," Willow answered with a grin.

Susan was enjoying the company of the British gentleman that had literally
burst into the Library a few minutes earlier.
"So are you and Willow." she asked.
"No, we were but that's in the past," Spike answered.
"Why? You look so natural together."
Spike smiled at the comment, but the truth would have to wait.
"Our lives are too different," he stated.
"She won't change for you and you won't change for her," Susan
"Something like that," Spike chuckled.
"Sorry to keep you waiting," Willow said as she came walking out
of the library.
"Speak of the devil," Spike stated.
They passed the mark of Michael's territory and after giving Susan the tour
of Michael's businesses, both Spike and Willow got the distinct feeling that
things were about to go to a hell in a hand basket. They shared a
confirmative look.
"Here we are," Willow said as the came to stop in front of a
three story stone building that had been Michael's home.
"Wow," Susan muttered as she stepped out of the car.
"James should have it ready by now," Willow said.
"James?" both Spike and Susan asked.
"Michael's butler, I called him after you left the Library,"
Willow explained as she knocked on the door.
"Miss Rosenberg, always a pleasure," James said as he opened the
door, he was and elderly British man that Willow always joked that he looked
like Anthony Hopkins in Remains of the Days.
"James this is Susan Swift and Spike," Willow introduced.
"Miss Swift my condolences," James nodded.
"Thank you," Susan said with a small smile. It was undoubtedly
strange mourning for someone you never knew. Quick movement from Spike
interrupted her thoughts as he caught a flying arrow.
"Shit!" Willow cursed as she saw the approaching pack of
Susan slowly turned around and her eyes widened but nothing much else
"We'll be right back luv," Spike said as he handed her his coat.
"Miss Swift inside quickly," James stated and Susan was pulled
across the threshold.

More to come...

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