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FF: The Path's End (1/1)

Hey all,
What can I say, sometimes you just have to do something different. Now this
is no way connected to the Royalty series, it's a stand-alone in the fullest
sense of the word. I'm sure some how you are going to hate me for this and
that someone of you might cheer at the end. So with out further ado, Cilia
the bard with the lurker's soul presents... The Path's End

Title: The Path's End
Part: 1/1
Author: Cilia
E-mail: cilia@xxxxx
Feedback: Please god yes
Distribution and Archiving: Sure go for it
Summary: Buffy's Path of vengeance comes to an end on a wind swept field at
the end of the world.

The Paths End

I close my eyes and I see her face, those beautiful green eyes, the red hair
and the blood, all that blood. My Willow died in my arms and Ive traveled
the globe searching for her killer. Ive had companions from time to time,
but they either left or died along the way. Those who are dead I honor, by
remembering them.

Spike, I mourn Spike, because I think he loved Willow almost as much as I
did. Hes buried in a fertile valley in France, where hed wanted to build
his home and make his wine. He never saw his first harvest, but Anya tends
to his fields waiting for Xander to return from his wanderings. Xander, my
white knight, lost himself during one of our many battles, his soul half
torn from his body, left him with a shattered memory, perhaps its for the
best. Something you shouldnt have to remember&

Ive come to the end of the world and there is no turning back from here. I
ve lost count of how many years have past and how many Ive slain. I just
want to finish this, once and for all. God I came close so many times, but I
could never kill him, he always remained one step a head.

The wind is cold and the field is covered with frost, I lower my head as I
walk on, winter is closing in fast and I think about another winter very
much like this. Wed chased our enemy across the Siberian Tundra, but once
again we came up short. We found a town that hed burned to the ground.
Wesley stayed behind to help the survivor, but we marched on&

Im tired of chasing him and hes tired of running I guess. Ive been a
thorn in his side for far too long. One way or another this ends here on
this frost-covered field on the edge of the habitable world and I just want
to sit down and rest for a moment.

I rested once, for a year or so, just sat down and tried to get past it all.
Did work, but I have daughter, she must be sixteen by now, staying with
Giles in England under the protection of the New Watcher Council. Giles. I
cant help but to smile, he stayed with me for so long, well into his
sixties before finally admitting that he was to old and settled down with
his books and tea&

I look up and swords are the preferred choice of weapons. Not like weve
tried the rest, guns with carbon bullets, like the one strapped to my hip,
stakes, flame throwers and so on. But the sword was settled upon one night
in Rome. Rome a beautiful city, maybe Ill go back there when this is all
over and Ive arranged for it so one way or another I will return to the
Holy City.

There he is, standing out against the gray landscape, only about a mile to
go and then we can end this. Thought that when we first met and then again
the second time, but this is it, I can feel it in my bones and scars. Who am
I kidding Im in no shape to fight him now, bandaged and bruised. I think I
hear Willows voice so I walk on, one step at a time.

Tara should be here, she was Willows lover at the time of her death. But we
parted ways after a feud in Africa ten years ago. So if I fail, she may have
change of ending this&

The last mile is behind me and we stand four feet apart in a gray world. We
look at each other, one scarred, old and tired and the other looking no
older then twenty.
Buffy you made it! He greets me.
Lets& end this& Riley, I answer with a smile. Am I happy cause I know there
will be no turning back this time, no escape for either of us. Just us and
the gray.
Very well, he says and the swords are drawn like so many times before.
Goodbye Riley, I say with a smile, drop the sword and pull the gun from its
What? He asks with a really stupid expression on his face.
Okay so I cheated, but Im old and tired, so I just drew the guns and fired
and I won.
You& bitch& he trails off as he grumbles into dust.
I fall to my knees on the cold ground, this is not the way I had imagined it
to end, but its over. I feel hollow, victory without anyone to share it
with. So I just stand up and turn away from the dust on the gray ground. The
images of blood, replaced with memories of sunshine&

I didnt hear the chopper when it landed, must have fallen a sleep on the
field. Woke up at the sound of feet stepping on the frozen grass, making it
brake and crackle, though.
Good job Buffy, Cordelia says from where she stands wrapped in a heavy
coat. Shes old too, but it doesnt show.
Hey Cordy, come to take me home? I ask and stand up.
We at Angel and Chase Investigations always fulfill out contracts, she
answers with a small smile.
Then take me to my daughter, take me to Willow, I say.
This way, she says and gestures to the chopper.

My lives work is done, there are no more foes to slay, no more ghosts to
chase and I have my Willow with me. For when I look into the eyes of my
daughter I see a familiar sparkle. Perhaps this path has finally ended, but
from now on the paths are mine to chose and take.

Buffy Anne Summers, Vampire Slayer retired.
September 2021

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