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Is there any place I can find an accurate (or hey, even an inaccurate)
timeline for Buffy? Not the episode airdates but some actual guesstimated
dates for such things as when Buffy actually became the Slayer. I know that
might be hard with the movie not matching up.. at all.. with the series but
we have to start somewhere. If I had to nail it down, I'd say that Buffy
became the Slayer in Spring 95 but if anyone can come up with a better idea
I am all ears. Also, how many Slayers haev there been in recent history. I
mean the Watchers Council hasn't been around since the beginning so they
probably don't know the exact number either, but how many have they counted?
I have heard that a Slayer averaged 4-6 months before Buffy. I don't know
for sure
I think I heard that in an episode. That would make Buffy the most
successful Slayer in history! Another thing occured to me about a year ago
(before Tara and the First Slayer)- who knows the true extent of a Slayer's
powers. Maybe they get more powerful as time goes by, they just usually end
up dead before then. As in, maybe there is a concentrated effort by dark
forces to make sure she doesn't reach a certain age. (Hint Hint).Anyway, I
'm thinking of writing a story about the best
Slayer before Buffy, sometime late 80's, with a few less-than-successful
ones between them. And I'm even thinking of getting them together! How, you
ask, well this is the Hellmouth! But probably something to do with the 80's
Slayer being kidnapped and killed quickly and returning. Leaving the Council
with another new Slayer and a private, powerful individual with his own
Slayer to wage a silent war with. Anyway, enough teasing. Knowing my
writing style and speed the story may never be written. But still any helpin
this regard would be appreciated. And if the story sounds REALLY
interesting to you I might consider a co-author/chief motivator/editor. Let
me know.

PS. If you think this has very little to do with Buffy/Willow you are so
right. But if you insist I'll tell you the controvoluted and myriad string
tying this story to Buffy and the Scooby Gang. But be warned, showing that
much interest might result in my thinking you would make an excellent
co-author and pestering you until you give in to my will! BWOHAHAHHA!

PPS Love that Dracula ep. hehehehehe

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