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FIC: These Roads We Travel (16/?)

I thought SOMEONE would never ask.


Hang on, kids. This is getting to be a bumpy ride. *WEG*


TITLE: These Roads We Travel (16/?)
AUTHOR: Kimber (kacoe@xxxxxxx)
DISCLAIMER: All BTVS characters belong to Joss Whedon and Mutant Enemy.

SUMMARY: The long awaited next story in "The Road Series".
SPOILERS: Everything is fair game.
DISTRIBUTION: The usual suspects. Anyone else, e-mail me please.
AUTHORS NOTES: This comes because I've had so many great responses to
the series and many people begging for another. Be careful what you wish

{{Indicates flashbacks}}

"Laurel. . ."

"No." The young Slayer spun around and drove her stake home into the
newly risen vamp. He'd barely even had the chance to dust himself off
and Laurel was on top of him. This was definitely not a night to mess
with the Slayer.

Laurel walked over to the headstone Lisa was perched on and gave her a
look. *The Look*

Lisa put her hands in front of her face and cowered in fear. "God no!
Anything but that! I can't take it. . .I'm gonna die! Die I tell you,
right on the spot!" She slumped forward and fell at Laurel's feet.

Laurel crossed her arms in front of her and smirked at the girl on the
ground. "Okay, Drama Queen. Are you quite done now?"

Lisa rolled over on her back, put her hands behind her head, and
smiled. "Umm, yeah. I think so. How about you? Are you done being
pigheaded and stubborn? Cause I'll tell ya, if I wanted that then I'd
be with a guy."

"Hey!" Laurel looked down, shocked. "I can't believe you said that!"

Lisa sat up and leaned back against the headstone. She motioned for
Laurel to join her. "Laurel, seriously, I think you need to give it a
chance. I mean, it's not like it's a shock at this point. You knew.
You've known for a while now."

Laurel shook her head. "Look, I really don't wanna talk about this
right now, but if we have to, can we save it for after patrol? I still
have two more places to cover. Why don't you head back to Papa's and
I'll meet you there in about an hour?"

Lisa shrugged. "Okay, but you promise we'll talk?"



"What are we gonna do, Faith?"

Faith shrugged, then they both looked over to where the retired watcher
was sitting. Giles could tell they were both looking at him but chose
to ignore them and continue reading his paper. "Don't look at me. It's
your mess, not mine."

"Thanks, G-man. Could always count on you." Faith said sarcastically.

"I'm serious, Faith. You both chose to keep this from her and now you
have to deal with the ramnifications. You should have just told her in
the first place and allowed her to get used to the idea. It's not as if
she doesn't know your past history."

"That's Giles' way of saying 'I told you so', only more British." Buffy
made a face.

Giles looked up at them. "Yes, quite. Now if you don't mind, I have a
prophesy to research."

Lisa opened the door and walked into Giles' living room. Buffy shot out
of the chair and went over to her. "Where's Laurel? Is she okay? Did
she freak? Does she hate us? Come on, no holding out."

Lisa blinked at the barrage of questions the blonde had rattled off.
"Now I know where she gets it from." She commented before walking over
to the couch and sitting down next to Giles. She put her head on his
shoulder and looked up at him with concern. "How are you, Papa?"

Giles smiled affectionately at the girl. "I'm just fine."

"Take your pills?"

"Yes." He nodded.

"And the exercises? Did you do them this morning?"

He put his hand on hers. "Yes, Lisa. I've been doing everything I'm
supposed to. Now if you wouldn't mind, you really should answer Buffy
before she turns a few more shades of red than she already has."

Lisa looked over to where Buffy and Faith were sitting. They both had
matching 'unamused' expressions. "Sorry. Ummm. . .patrol, as well as
can be expected, kind of, and no." Lisa softened a little when she saw
the hurt expression on Buffy's face. "Look, she just needs some time
right now. I'm sure everything will be fine."


Laurel moved through the graveyard quietly. Her eyes and ears were open
and she expanded her Slayer senses to encompass as much ground as she
could cover. She noticed that it had become easier each time she
reached out. Suddenly, she came to a stop near a mausoleum and
smirked. "Oh, come on. You can do better than that."

A figure stepped out from behind a tree, but still remained in the
shadows. "Slayer. I thought you'd never come."

Laurel pulled her 'special' stake out of her jacket. "Yeah, yeah. This
is a lovely chat we're having. Can we please fight?"

The vampire was momentarily confused but recovered quickly and put his
'game face' on. He attacked with all the swiftness and ease of a master
vampire  having honed his skills over the years, he knew enough to try
and wear her down over time.

Laurel was immediately put on the defensive. <Damn him!> She blocked
each jab with relative ease and countered the blows each chance she
had. He attempted a long cross-hook which gave her enough time to duck
and jab him in the abdomen a few times.

He backed off and they both began to circle each other. "Bitch." He
spat out, obviously favoring his right side.

"You kiss your mother with that mouth?" She smiled at him. "Tsk, tsk."

He grinned. "In a manner of speaking, yes. She tasted divine sliding
down my throat."

Laurel stopped in her tracks and, of all things, began to giggle

The vampire was not amused. He leaned back against the mausoleum and
crossed his arms in front of him waiting for her to be done.

"I'm sorry," She managed out between giggles. "But, 'she tasted
divine'? Couldn't you be a tad bit more original?"

"You know, I work long and hard on being intimidating, and what do you
do? You stand there and mock me." He smirked. "I'm hurt, really."

Laurel collected herself and walked over to him. "Yeah well, I'll let
you in on a secret." She moved in closer to him and whispered. "Work a
little harder next time."

"Oh, that's it, kid. You're goin down!" He grabbed her and they both
fell to the ground. Being much larger, he quickly gained the advantage
and sat on top of her, pinning her arms at her sides with her legs.
"Now, what am I gonna do with you?" He saw her open her mouth to
respond, but stopped her by putting his hand over her mouth. "Don't
even *think* about answering that question, young lady."

Seconds ticked by, then minutes. . .then the torture began.

He started to tickle her without mercy. "That'll teach you to mouth off
to me."

"Oh, god no," She gasped in between breaths. "I can't take it! Stop!
Stop!" She finally freed one of her hands, grabbed him and sent him
flying over her head, landing with a thud.

"Ouch." He rubbed his shoulder, which took most of the fall.

She flipped up and dusted herself off. "I told you *never* to do
that." She put her hand out to help him up. "But do you listen?
Nooooooo, you have to test the limits."

He took the hand offered him and stood up. "Yeah, well. . ." he
shrugged. "Not bad, kid. You're getting a lot better at finding me."

She smiled up at him. "Yeah? I thought I was pretty stealthy."

He laughed and put his arm around her shoulder and they began walking.
"Don't get all cocky on me now. I said better, not the best."

They reached the entrance of the cemetery and stopped. "Here's where I
get off. Gotta head back to Giles'" She reached up and gave him a hug
and a kiss on the cheek. "I'll see you soon?"

"Yes. He smiled and kissed her forehead lightly. And always when you
least expect to.

She stayed with her arms around his waist for a while, then begrudgingly
pulled away. Smiled up at him one last time, she began to walk away but
stopped and turned back around. "Hey, Angel?"


"Thanks. For this I mean. I know it's not what you're supposed to be
doing and. . ."

"Your mom would have my head for it?" He nodded and smiled. "I know.
And you're welcome. Now go."

"Bye." She waved and walked off.


Laurel snuck into Giles apartment. She was out training with Angel
much longer than she expected to be. Without making too much noise, she
crept into the room she was sharing with Lisa and put her pajamas on.
She slipped under the covers and settled in.

"Nice of you to join me, Lau-Lau."

"Hey, I didnt think youd still be up. I tried to be quiet."

"I always wait up for you. You know that."

"I guess." Laurel whispered.

Theyre worried about you.

I know.

Lisa put her hand on the Slayers shoulder. Whats going on with you?
Youve been distant for a while now.

Laurel sighed. I dont know. Im just. . .going through some stuff.

I know. Lisa nuzzled Laurels neck. Let me help. She kissed her
cheek. Please? I can make it all go away. At least for a little

Laurel pushed her away. No. . .just stop. Okay? She got up, walked
out of the bedroom and closed the door. She leaned up against it and
closed her eyes. <God, what am I doing?>


{{Mamma looked from me to Uncle Xander. He did that cute little
innocent face hes so good at and I knew shed cave just as soon as I
shifted into resolve face.

"Fine. But not another word about it. Straight to bed with you."

I smiled and hugged her. "Okay. Not another word. I love you mamma.
I kissed her cheek and took off inside. I knew when to quit and
besides, tonight I had to patrol.

Yeah, yeah, I know. . .Im not the Slayer. Not yet anyway. Its gonna
happen soon. I know it. Ive been doing some research in Papas
library and going through some of Moms old papers I liberated from her
room. Im *so* the research girl. Always have been really.

So here I am on patrol and there he is. . .in the shadows as usual. I
told him Id go solo tonight but. . .does he listen to me? No, of
course not.

What are you doing here? I ask in annoyance.

What are you doing here?

Im patrolling parrot boy, whats it look like? Cause its sure not a
manicure and face mask session. I smirk.

Laurel, I worry about you. If you want to patrol, fine, but Im gonna
dog you the whole way. You dont have the abilities yet, or the
strength or. . .

I drop quickly and do a simple leg sweep. He lands flat on his back.
Or the speed? Is that what you were gonna say, Angel, cause, it
doesnt seem like a problem to me.

He looks up at me with all the annoyance he can muster up without
actually cracking a smile. Yeah, well.

I put my hand out and help him up. We stare each other down for a bit
then we both break into smiles. Im glad because arguing with Angel
isnt something Im in the mood for tonight. I start to walk off then
turn back to him. Coming? You may have forever but I sure dont. He
smirks at me and catches up.

Its a quick patrol and we dust a gang of four or five in no time. I
got gashed across the arm but itll be gone by morning so I dont have
to worry about Buff goin all momish on me. Im sittin next to Angel
and I look over at him. So, tell me what its like.

He gives me his best confused look. Whats what like?

Being a vamp and dusting your own kind. Being a vamp in general and
having to live for so long. I read about you in the watcher diaries you
know. When Papa wasnt looking of course.

Of course. He nodded and smiled.

You were mean.

He looks off in the distance for a bit then, Yeah, I was. He says
flatly. But that was a long time ago. Im atoning for everything Ive
done. He looks over at me all serious. Dont forget that, Laurel.
Do something and it may not have an immediate effect, but it will always
catch up to you. Good or bad.

I roll my eyes. Thanks for the lesson, teach but, I roll over and
straddle his legs so Im facing him in his lap. I think I get enough
lessons like that from Papa, school, Buff and Faith. Hes unreadable,
a total mask. So I put my arms around his shoulders and smile. The
lessons Im looking to learn, you cant find in any book or get from
your family members.

He arches his eyebrows. Youve been hanging out with Faith way too
much. You know that? He grabs me under my arms and lifts me off his
lap with ease. He rises and puts his hand out to help me up.

I dont need to hang out with Faith to be bold. I cross my arms in
front of me. I can do it just fine on my own. I look up at him and
hes got that disbelieving look on his face. I know what hes
thinking. Shes just a kid. I can almost hear him say it. So I kiss
him, hard and fast but he pushes me away.

Laurel, weve talked about this. He wipes his mouth and tries to
compose himself but the effect the kiss had on him isnt lost. Its

Why? Cause you were with Buff? Cause youre a vampire? Or maybe its
because Im sixteen. Well, Im an old sixteen you know.

I know, Laurel. He paused a moment. We just cant. Its not right.
You read the diaries, you know the consequences we face, you know what I
was like then and what I am now.

Again? Oh, so youve dated me before, is that it?

Lau, dont do this. He really looked upset. Even without all of
that. I love Cordy, you know that.

Angel. . . I reached for him and fell into a hug. A great big
vampire hug. Man I have it bad for this guy, but if all hes gonna give
me is friendship then I guess thats what Ill take. Im sorry, I
just. . .I dont know. You must think Im a stupid kid.

He looks at me seriously again. No, youre not stupid and youre
definitely not a kid. He strokes my cheek. I cant. Do you
understand that?

I nod. Look, I gotta go. Were goin to the cemetary tomorrow and
Papas gonna be there.

Buffy finally broke, huh? He smiled.

Yeah, she couldnt resist my resolve face. I walked up to him and
kissed him softly on the cheek. Night, Angel. I whispered and headed


Laurel sat at Giles desk and continued to read through the papers and
books shed scattered there about an hour ago. It was no use, and she
knew it the minute she tried to sit down and concentrate. There was too
much going on in her mind. Having feelings for Angel, being in whatever
she was in with Lisa, trying to get mom back, worrying about Buffy and
Faiths relationship, Papa taking care of himself, the fullfilment of
the prophesy. . .everything was making her head spin, and it had been
for weeks.

She got up and went to the kitchen to poke around the fridge. <One
thing at a time, kiddo.> She decided to have a glass of milk and an
apple. As she closed the door, she startled a bit at the sight of Lisa
standing there. Hey. I didnt hear you.

I noticed. She smirked.

They stood there and stared at each other for a few moments; not sure
what to say. Finally, Laurel broke the silence. I dont want to shut
you out. She whispered. But I have.

Lisa nodded. Yeah.

Im just. . .not used to this, ya know? The whole sharing circle thing
was never my deal. She motioned for Lisa to follow her into the

That surprises me.

Laurel nodded. Yeah, it should. Concidering that youre the one Im
comfortable with. I mean, you know me. . .the real me. Not who my
friends think I am, or my mom, or Papa. . .even Faith doesnt get me
sometimes, but you. . . She shrugged.

Its scary.


Lisa picked up a book and thumbed through it. What are you up to,
Laurel? And I dont mean just now, I mean for a while. You sneak out
at all hours. Im pretty sure your mom doesnt know that youve been
partoling so much and dont think *I* havent noticed your recent
fondness of musty old books. So what gives?

I havent been patroling as much as. . .training. She shrugged.
Ill tell you but. . .you have to promise never to bring it up with
anyone. Ever. She waited for Lisa to nod. Okay, well, Ive been
training. With Angel.

It took a moment or two for what she said to sink in, then finally bells
went off in Lisas head. Big, clanging
cant-be-ignored-if-you-were-deaf bells. Oh my god!!!

Laurel quickly clamped her hand over Lisas mouth. Shhh! Papas right
upstairs. Are you crazy?

Er ohh az E?

What? She removed her hand.

I said, are you crazy? Angel? Your moms old vampire boyfriend? The
one that went all grr cause he got one moment of happiness? The one
that. . .

Yes. Geez, relax. . .you know, thats the reaction Id expect from my
mom, not you.

Laurel, what am I supposed to say? I just dont get you sometimes.

It has to do with the prophesy. Ive been researching it on my own,
with Angel and Cordys help and it all points to the same answer no
matter how you look at it. Angel and I are meant to fight, what ever
were gonna fight, together. End of story. How can we rely on each
other when Buff doesnt even let me see him? I remember seeing him once
when I was six but my moms scooted me upstairs. I dont remember what
was said but, I do remember there was a lot of hushed yelling. You know
the kind. When adults dont want you to know theyre fighting.

Yeah, I know. Lisa thought for a few moments. Thats not all there
is. Is it?

Laurel shook her head. No. She got up and walked to the window.

Lisa walked up behind Laurel after a few moments and put her head on her
shoulder. Lau, what is it? Whats got you all tied up in knots?

Laurel sighed, then turned to Lisa. Moms not dead. . .and I know how
to get her back.


"Lisa's Personal-Pit Pet" *eg*
a.k.a. The Light Lobster
Tourist number 2
List Gutter Lust Goddess (yeah, I've finally given into my fate)

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