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Thinking outloud

Its me yet again. {Before anyone reads any further I should point out that 
I have finals next week so I may not be too coherent right now. I'm burnt
out on studing and needed to take a break, that's my story and I'm sticking 
too it! I really hate finals.}

I've been thinking actually brainstorming, I do have to 
write the next couple of parts of The Enemy of My Enemy, sometime in the 
near future you know. Anyway while I was doing the thinking/brainstorming,
I got this "other" idea for a Buffy/Willow story. Which probably explains
why I'm posting this here and not somewhere else. Anyway, while I was on
my neverending search of decent fanfic to read, and let me tell you there 
is a lot of really good stuff out there. I came up with the following 
piece of madness that escaped my overactive imagination and slipped into 
my conscious thoughts. Trust me I lost control of my imagination years ago, 
so such an event can be a really bad thing if I'm not careful. I do have 
hopes of one day regaining control, but I wouldn't hold my breath anytime
soon if I were you.

Damn drifted there for a moment. Where was I? Oh yeah the idea/half-baked 
plot line! Its all Rodrigo's fault, the whole "Buffy wants Willow" thing, 
while a very good idea, it stuck in my mind and when the wild thoughts came and 
the strange stuff happened - so its Rodrigo's fault all of it. {Did I mention
I have finals next week?}*BG* Anyway, I took the whole Buffy wants Willow thing
and said okay, "So Buffy wants Willow.......why not write a story where Buffy
takes Willow?" Ahhh, minds out of the gutter folks, I don't write rape stories,
well that's not true, I do but the rapist usually ends up getting the crap 
beat out of him/her but that's another story all together. {Get the impression
I don't really care for rapist, being the non-humans they are?} 

During my "tour" of Willow fanfic sites, I came across several where Willow is 
with.....well vampires. Usually Spike or Angel, sometimes both, while this 
does seem strange to me, which doesn't happen often, I mean they are the undead!
{Yeah, I know I'm writing The Enemy of My Enemy and I hooked up Wills with Dru
of all beings. In my defense I lost a bet and have to write that story. *G*}
Anyway, I thought that if Spike and/or Angel(us) can go around having all kinds
of fun with Willow, then so can Buffy damnit! {Or this could all just be the
caffine talking I'm not sure which.} 

So the jest of my little idea/half-baked plot line is that: Buffy undergoes 
a major personality change, which she would have to do in order to even behave
in the manner she's going to behaving in. Gets the idea that she really wants 
Willow and acts accordingly.

Now here's the clincher: 1} Buffy does not do anything that Willow doesn't 
want to happen.......the ol'Slayer/best friend instincts are still there. Hey
I happen to think that the two of them make a great couple.
2} The personality change may or may not be permanent. 
I still haven't decided if the personality change is due to being hit over the 
head {the old stand by}, a spell {intentional or non}, or if Buffy gets vamped
and/or possessed. {Which in the long run is pretty much the same thing.}

Right now I'm seeing this story as being a dark one, is the sense that Buffy goes
and allies herself with the badguys, not something she'd go and do if she was 
thinking clearly. But she does anyway, and it ends up with Willow trying to 
get "her" Buffy back, because frankly she really doesn't like the "new-and-improved"
Buffy one bit. I want to, at one point, bring in the Vamp-Wills, who 
naturally likes the "new-and-improved" Slayer but that's at a later date. 
So that's my idea/half-baked plot line. I'd like some suggestions on where I 
should take this. I think it would make an interesting, to say the least, story
if I can pull it off right. I got to get the cause of the personality shift
ironed out and "believable" - I don't like my intelligence insulted and wouldn't
do it to others if I could avoid it. Then I got to figure out how the story ends,
does Buff get her memories back and becomes one of the good guys again, or is 
a new order formed in Sunnydale to forever change the Scooby Gang????

I'm going now, got to get back to studing. Although, I think I'll lay off the 
caffine for a while. :) Honest, I only get this talkative when I'm tired. All
right I babble! Happy! Just kidding Rodrigo about it all being your fault. ;)

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