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Re: FIC "Viewer Created Reality" (Bad Fic in my opinion.)

It was cool, I didn't quite get the ending, but I still liked it.

>From: "J. Eckardt" <jeckardt@xxxxxxx>
>Reply-To: buffywantswillow@xxxxxxxxxxx
>To: <buffywantswillow@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>Subject: [buffywantswillow] FIC "Viewer Created Reality" (Bad Fic in my 
>Date: Tue, 14 Dec 1999 11:57:06 -0800
>1)Our girls overhear a few thinks over lunch and decide to teach the
>gossipers a little lesson, but how far will they go?
>Ok I am gonna warn you that I am writing this before I go to work so it
>maybe rushed or something. It is unbetaed.
>Disclaimer: There is going to be same sex kissing if that bothers you you
>are on the wrong list. I don't own the characters.
>I'd like to thank Rodrigo for the plot idea.
>"Viewer Created Reality"
>By: Star
> "And then when they shared that smile... They are so totally 'mo." The
>girls said to the others who nod in agreement.
> "I know what you mean. I hear Buffy like completely told off prof. 
>after she did something alittle mean to Willow. They are so 'mo." The other
>giles says and the girls around her laugh and move on to another topic.
>Buffy looks at Willow's pale face and they both turn around and walk
>straight back out of the cafeteria.
> "I hate those girls! It's like they took the old me and the old Cordy
>and roll them together." Buffy says frowning slightly.
> "Then why don't we teach them a lesson?" Willow suggests. Buffy looks 
>Willow and cocks her head to one side.
> "What's the plan?" Buffy asks. Willow smiles softly.
> "We go back in there and kiss like there is no tomorrow." Willow
>answers. Buffy looks at her friend shocked.
> "Wills! I've never...that is...They'll think we..." Buffy stutters 
>like a watcher we all know and love.
> "Yeah I know. That is kinda the point." Willow says still smiling. 
>stands there and thinks about it making Willow more and more nervous. She
>then looks Willow in the eyes and shrugs.
> "It won't hurt our reps or anything considering we don't have any."
>Buffy says. Willow smiles again and puts her hand in Buffy's. They walk 
>into the cafeteria and sit down near the table those girls are at. After a
>few moments Willow leans over and presses her lips against Buffy's. Even
>though Buffy knew this was coming it still surprises her somewhat and she
>gasps allowing Willow access to deepen the kiss. Soon both girls are 
>that they are in a room full of now shocked and watching people. Finally 
>girls separate because of the need for air and their eyes lock. They get up
>silently and leave the cafeteria. The girls follow them out with their 
> "Defintely 'mo. See I told you." The girl says and the spell in the 
>is broken.
> Somewhere in the back of the room is Riley sitting with prof. Walsh. 
>are both taking notes at their table while a black box sits in the middle 
>the table.
> "So viewer created reality works....But only if there are enough 
>who see that reality as real." Riley states.
> "And if there is something there inside of the people to work with."
>Prof. Walsh adds.
>(God...This one has to suck...anyway...If I think of a good story plot 
>I am at work I'll write it down and work on it.)
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