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FIC: Royalty: Chapter 2 (Of Dreams and Dreamers)

Greetings all...

Well you asked for more and here it is...

You will expect the following:
1.Giles reads a prophecy about himself
2. Willow and Buffy dream.
3. Spike is being nice?
4. Oho and yeah Xander is alive


Stefan Cilia
"Reality, such a fragile thing."

Chapter 2: Of Dreams and Dreamers

"Morning Rupert. We're home awfully late." Spike commented with out looking
up from his book.
"Has Buffy returned?" Giles asked as hung up his coat.
"Came in looking like she'd seen a ghost actually and went straight to bed."
"Anya and Xander?"
"He regained consciousness and from the sound of it he's very much alive."
"You sure your alright Spike." Giles asked before he stepped into his room.
"Never been better why?"
"No reason."
This is just too much fun. Spike thought to himself. Well it'll be dawn
soon, time for all little vampires to go to sleep. Bloody hell. I'm starting
to sound like them.

Buffy tossed her head from one side to the other, the book lying discarded
next to her.
"Buffy." Came the sweetest voice she'd ever heard. Her eyes fluttered open
and she found herself lying in high crass with an endless blue sky above
"Is this a dream?" She asked.
"What to you think." The voice said, this time whispering into her ear.
Buffy turned around and saw Willow lying next to her, the sun reflecting of
the silver streaks in her hair and her simple silvered dress.
"Willow?" Buffy whispered, not believing her eyes.
"Is it so hard to believe." Willow said with a smile and then stood. "Walk
with me."
"Where are we going?" Buffy asked she stood, rolling hills as far the eye
could see.
"To the end of the rainbow." Willow said.
"Are you serious?" Buffy asked as they started walking.
"No but it beats to infinity and beyond." Willow said and then stopped. "We'
re here." She said.
"The beginning." Willow said and swept her hand across the landscape
sprawled out below them. "This is the road you must walk." She said and
looked down.
"What road?" Buffy asked as she looked down. They now stood on brick road
that disappeared into the distance.
"This road symbolizes your life."
"Will you walk it with me?" Buffy asked as she took the first step.
"It's your dream?" Willow said with a smile.
"Then walk it with me." Buffy said and offered Willow her hand.
"If that's your wish." Willow answered and took Buffy's hand.
"Who are those people?" Buffy asked when they'd walked for awhile and looked
at the people along the road.
"Those are the people you've met or will meet. Some still with us, other
passed on and some even not born yet."
"Is that Spike?" She asked and pointed to the man playing with a young child
Buffy asked.
"That's the Spike that will be?" Willow answered.
"He looks so nice, yet sad."
"That he is." Willow said.
"Is that Giles and mom?"
"My thoughts exactly."
"Who's that?" Buffy asked and pointed to a figure in the distance.
"You'll find out soon enough."
Then Buffy froze. She saw as two figures came into view. It was her and
Willow, kissing. She looked at her guide.
"Don't look at me I'm just a creation of your subconscious."
"But that was you and me."
"Yes it was." Willow said.
Buffy stopped next when she felt rice land on her shoulder and hand and she
saw a weeding in the distance under the moonlight.
There was silence until the next image came into few, a white house, no
wait, it was the mansion. She saw herself a little older then she was now,
sitting on lawn playing with a small child, Willow sitting in the porch
swing smiling.
"The distant future." Willow said.
"But I."
"Look old, that happens you know."
The next figure was young woman with reddish blond hair.
"Is that?" Buffy asked as she watched the girl. The familiar features and
the smile she'd always connected to Willow.
"Yes it is and one day you will meet her."
"Why are you showing me this?" Buffy asked as they stepped into a cemetery.
"Because in the morning this will all be forgotten."
"I wont remember any of this?"
"I'm sorry, that's way it has to be."
"Will I really live that long?" Buffy asked and looked down at the
headstones. Hers and Willows side by side.
"If you choose the right path, yes."
"I can't believe this will be all just fading memory when I wake up."
"You will remember one thing though." Willow said as she turned around to
face her.
"This." Willow said as she pulled her close and kissed her. The kiss was
passionate, seemingly fueled by pure desire and love. Her blood felt like it
was on fire, tingling sparks running trough her very being. The landscape
melted away and she found herself looking out over the faces of her friends
and family. Then she woke up.
Buffy arose in her bed, gently touched her lips, smiled and then lay back
down again.

* * * * * *

Giles couldn't sleep. He wandered around his room reciting prophecies and
Latin verbs. His eyes eventually came to rest on the long wooden box he'd
brought with him. He slammed it down on the bed and opened it. Staring down
at the obsidian blade of the sword which lay within it.
"Why, why, why?" He asked himself as he picked it up the scroll that lay
next to it. Written in Latin, his mind translated it once again:

The blade thou hold
the sword of the
night protector
to the undying ones.
if wielded with fire
and controlled by will.
Brings about the end
or the beginning.

One shall it wield
who is both dark
yet illuminus
one of magic and
blood of blue
illusion his power
with hidden rage
of a nights warrior

Warning words
shall thou heed
fire must burn
in control with
mind and soul
anchor thou seek
close it is
yet far away

Seek the wiccan
who love with
thou shares
goddess' daughter
whom a chosen
one loves
help them
then thou road begins

He then rolled up the scroll and lifted the sword out of its box. It was a
simple sword, with runes and symbols engraved in silver along the hilt. He
swung it once, twice. Hearing it sing as it cleaved the air. Willow you
picked a terrible time to go on a trip of self discovery. He thought as he
picked up the swords sheath and placed it in it.
"Just another destiny to follow." He thought and sat down with a leather
bound book.

>From the Journal of Rupert Giles

Summer is almost upon us and I find myself faced with two problems. Buffy's,
my slayer and in way daughter, fear of facing the truth about her feelings
towards her closest friend and my own dilemma in face of the latest turn in
my destiny. These dilemmas ironically have the same goal. Buffy must find
Willow and in turn sort out her own feelings and I must find Willow, first
and foremost to help her and Buffy find what they both seek and also to ask
for Willow's help in understanding the changes in my destiny, although I
fail to see how she can help.

Rupert Giles.

Giles sighed and placed the book back on the desk. What in hell was he
supposed to do now.

* * * * * *

Willow found herself in the familiar place that was the dreamworld. This was
a dream she never remembered until she dreamed it again.
"Why have I been summoned here?" She demanded.
"You are troubled." Said a female voice.
"Of course I am. I thought that was the reason for me coming here."
"Are you happy?" The voice inquired.
Willow thought for a moment. She'd learned that lying to the voice didn't
get her anywhere.
"Is it because the girl is not with you."
"Why do you not go to her then?"
"I can't."
"You know mighty well why."
"But you are denying yourself happiness my child."
"How can you be sure."
"Time is nothing to me. I see what was, what is and what will be." Came the
answer as an image appeared on one of the walls. The image was not unknown
to Willow, she'd seen the same image in glass. It was an image of herself
and Buffy embracing kissing and looking happy and full of live. Willow shut
her eyes, but the image remained.
"It will happen, it has happened."
"She'll never understand what I've become." Willow protested.
"How can you be sure?" The voice said and faded away.
"I just know." Willow said and reached out to touch the image of Buffy that
appeared in front of her.
"Hello Willow." The image said.
"You're not real." She protested.
"What is real."
"This is just a fantasy." Willow said as felt herself move closer.
"It could be real." The dream Buffy said with a small smile.
"I'm afraid."
"Don't be." The dream said as she caressed Willow cheek.
"Will I remember this?" Willow asked and leaned closer.
"This yes, but you know the way of things."
"I can live with that." Willow said and kissed the dream, who then slowly
began to fade away.
"Remember this." It whispered as the walls of the dreamworld fell away and
Willow found herself awake with the sun caressing her cheek.

Some points about the chapter:

1. The prophecy that Giles reads is written in the same style as the old
Norse prophecy poems (Voluspa)
2. The sword well think, a straight piece about three and half feet long,
all black and you got the
picture. If not just think about the coolest sword you can think off.

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