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A Higher Power (3/?)

What can I say...I think I'm getting into this.

Title: A Higher Power (3/?)
Author: Alex
Feedback: Please any comments or suggestions to: keeper444@xxxxxxxxx 
(please be kind for the first time in over 30 years I'm a virgin at
Summary: Ancient forces are forced to take a hand in Buffy & Willow's 
Spoilers: I don't know I put them in college because that's where they 
are now. 
Disclaimer: The characters of Buffy Willow Giles and any others from 
BTVS are the property of Joss Whedon and Mutant Enemy. etc. No
infringement of any kind intended. Notes: Things go from bad to worse. 
Title: A Higher Power (3/?)
Author: Alex
Willow sat on the edge of her bed eyeing the door anxiously waiting for
Buffy's return. She chewed on her bottom lip nervously and her mind
wandered back to the alluring vision of Buffy standing there in her
under wear looking so battered and hurt yet acting so tough and Slayery
Willow wanted to take Buffy into her arms and hold her close and kiss
her until all the bad stuff went away. She wanted it so bad it hurt
<>Stop it Willow!<>she yelled at herself<>Keep talking like that and
you'll lose her forever and you know you couldn't live with that<> After
several minutes she began wondering what was taking Buffy so long.
Usually she was back long before now. 
<>Oh well she did have a rough night I'll be....<> Suddenly a blinding
white burst into Willow's mind blocking out all other thoughts. <>Willow
help me!<> slammed into her consciousness like a sledgehammer, she knew
instinctively that Buffy was in trouble. With out the slightest
hesitation she launched her self off the bed and out the door. Slamming
through the shower room door Willow began searching the room for her
friend, while calling her name. Panic began rising in her when Buffy
failed to answer. Then she heard the water running. Hurrying toward the
sound she called to her missing friend getting no answer Willow pushed
open the stall door. A horrified gasp escaped her throat Buffy laying
motionless on the floor of the shower stall.

Willow jumped into the stall shut off the water and knelt down next to
the Slayer. After trying to rouse her by calling her name and shaking
her unsuccessfully Willow decided t move Buffy out of the confined area.
Some how she was able to get Buffy's unconscious body out to one of the
long benches and began to gently dry Buffy off and get her robe wrapped
around her. When asked later how she had moved Buffy from the stall to
the bench Willow couldn't remember but she still couldn't wake Buffy she
knew there was no way she was going to be able to get beloved room mate
to their room without help.She ran down the hall and got their old
friend Larry and had him carry Buffy to their room. " You want me to
call 9-1-1" he asked as he carefully laid Buffy on her bed. 
"No Larry I'll handle it from here " Willow said sounding a lot more
confident than she truly was "Thanks for your help" "Hey no big Will"
Larry said glancing worriedly at Buffy's unnaturally still form " If you
need me for anything at all call me you have my phone and pager
" Sure Larry don't worry we'll be alright "Willow said giving him a hug
With out another word she turned around and began fussing over her
friend, Larry quietly slipped out of the room.

After a brief struggle Willow finally managed to get Buffy into a
nightshirt and underwear. While she was dressing the unconscious girl
she noticed a long partially healed gash on the inside of Buffy's upper
arm. She also noticed that the flesh around the gash was swollen and a
dark angry red. 
After getting Buffy settled into bed Willow called Giles and filled him
on the situation. He assured her that she had done the right thing and
he would be there as soon he picked up some things he felt were
necessary to take care of the Slayer. Hanging up the phone Willow drug a
chair over to Buffy's bed and sat down to wait and watch over her best
<>cause that's what friends do <> she rationalized but she knew deep
down the real reason was she loved this person too much to even think of
not being there<>cause that's what lovers do<> Willow let out a sigh and
took Buffy's limp hand and held it between her's<>this way she'll feel
me here and know she's not alone<> Willow closed her eyes and said a
silent prayer to the Goddess on behalf of her beloved. 

That's it for now more soon I promise

No matter where you go - there you are.

If you hurt her I'll beat you to death with a shovel. ~Willow~

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