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Re: I'm sorry

>Okay, I goofed! I tried a different way of posting and apparently kept
>people from actually being able to read it. I didn't know that it was
>going to do that and I'll go back to posting the rest of the series the
>way I started out doing in the first place. {Now I know that didn't
>make much sense. *LOL*}

I for one, will only forgive you if you hurry up with part 8. I mean it was 
sheer torture to know that other people were able to read part 7 and yet I 
wasn't! What does the rest of the list say about Shadow's little goof? 
Forgiveness comes only with part 8?

>Anyway, thank to you Charles for getting part seven to everyone that
>didn't get it the first time around. You're a prince! And I'm still
>embarrassed! *sheepish grin*

Chazman has saved me more than once! And when it comes to feedback I take 
his word as law.
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