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A H P 12/1

Title: A Higher Power (12/?)
Author: Alex
Feedback: Please any comments or suggestions to: keeper444@xxxxxxxxx 
Summary: Ancient forces are forced to take a hand in Buffy & Willow's 
Spoilers: I don't know I put them in college because that's where they 
are now. 
Disclaimer: The characters of Buffy Willow Giles and any others from 
BTVS are the property of Joss Whedon and Mutant Enemy etc. No
infringement of any kind intended.
Notes: Friends are made 
They woke late the next morning. With Willow's help Buffy found
everything she needed and after they had both bathed they found new
clothes laid out for them.
Willow got another green dress of a fine hand woven cloth
and this time trimmed in gold.
For Buffy there was a leather tunic, soft leather pants, and a pair of
knee high boots, all black.
As before everything fit perfectly as if it had been custom made just
for them.
Willow led Buffy out into the garden/courtyard anxious to show her

"Wow, Wills this place is truly amazing" Buffy said awed by her

"Wait till you see the fountain." Willow said tugging at Buffy's sleeve
like an anxious child.

"Okay okay, Wills" Buffy said smiling at her friend's new found
exuberance. "don't blow a vein I'm coming."

They came to the fountain and found Brigit and Morrigan sitting at one
of the tables.

"Good morrow little one." Brigit said smiling at Willow's obvious joy "I
see your beloved is well and recuperating."

Willow giggled like a shy child at Brigit's comment. Buffy looked at the
serenely beautiful blonde then to the wildly exotic red head then
finally at Willow.

"Who's your friends Wills?" Buffy asked feeling a slight twinge of
jealousy at their familiarity.

"Buffy this is Brigit." Willow said indicating the regal looking blonde.

"Pleased to meet you." Buffy said holding out her hand "Wills tells me
that we owe you our lives as well as other things."

Buffy gasped when Brigit took her hand. It was as if a combination of
high voltage electricity and the gentle warmth of spring spread through
her body from that hand.

"I am glad to see you are healing Elizabeth." Brigit said softly "but it
was your dear little Willow that saved you, not I or any other that
reside here."

"Ah..yes..well I guess..ah" Buffy began awkwardly, overwhelmed by her
contact with Brigit. "Hey wait a minute. How did you know about

Buffy gave Willow a whithering look but Willow shrugged and shook her
head denying any involvement.

"Do not blame Willow." Brigit said her soft voice overcoming Buffy's
anger "We know much about both of you Elizabeth or would you prefer
Chosen One or perhaps Slayer."

"How about just Buffy?" she replied "Everyone does."

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