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A Higher Power (13/?)

Okay Ivy here you go. I hope this one and the next are what you were
talking about.
Title: A Higher Power (13/?)
Author: Alex
Feedback: Please any comments or suggestions to: keeper444@xxxxxxxxx
Archive: If you want to go ahead, I'd like to see this little beast find
a home. Just let me know. 
Summary: Ancient forces are forced to take a hand in Buffy & Willow's 
Spoilers: I don't know I put them in college because that's where they 
are now. (near future) 
Disclaimer: The characters of Buffy Willow Giles and any others from 
BTVS are the property of Joss Whedon and Mutant Enemy etc. No
infringement of any kind intended. 
Notes: Goodbye is never easy. 
Title: A Higher Power (13/?)
Author: Alex 
One morning when the four women were sitting by the fountain having
breakfast as was their habit, Lugh appeared from out of the trees. 

"You appear to have made a complete recovery, Slayer." he said, smiling
at her. 

"Yeah I;m better than ever." Buffy answered without thinking she could
feel the power the man exuded naturally "Ah..you must be Lugh, Wills
told me about you. Glad to meet you." 

Buffy held out her hand to the man. He took her forearm and held it,
greeting her in the manner accorded to Celtic warriors. Morrigan had
explained it to her and the respect it conveyed to those it was given,
Buffy blushed.  
 Her body was nearly vibrating from the power that flowed into her
from Lugh. 

"I am glad you have recovered so well." Lugh said as he released her arm
then became serious. "I am sorry to say that your visit here is very
nearly at an end." 

"Is there something wrong?" Willow asked fearing the answer. 

"No child, nothing like that." he reassured her "but as it is with all
things the time has come to return you to your own destiny.
The powers are aligned so that you will be returned within two days of
your leaving. 
To keep you here any longer would interfere with the natural balance,
and that we have all sworn not to do." 

Willow and Buffy looked at each other each seeing the sadness and
determination in the other's eyes. 
    Neither wanted to ever leave the peace of this place or the
two women they had both grown so fond of, but they had also learned to
accept the responsibilities of their combined destinies and to honor
their new friends by doing their best to preserve the natural balance. 

"When do we leave?" Willow asked grimly "Is there time to get ready?" 

"Before sunrise." Lugh told her sorrow clear in his deep voice "Your
presence here will sorely missed. It has affected even those you never

"We'd really like to stay, but Brigit and Morrigan have explained why we
can't." Buffy said feeling the sting of the tears welling up in her eyes 
"Destiny sucks!" 

Willow silently nodded her head in agreement unable to speak. 

"Well said Slayer" Morrigan said for herself and Brigit proud of the
young woman she had grown to like and respect. 

"I will leave you now so that you may prepare for your return." Lugh

He turned and disappeared back into the trees. The four women watched
him leave then turned back to the table, none of them were hungry
They tried to follow their usual routine but they were just going
through the motions and by the end of the day had exhausted their supply
of small talk. 
  At the end of the day the two pairs of lovers stood arm in arm
facing each other in awkward silence each one hoping one of the others
would speak. 
Finally the stalemate was broken when Morrigan pulled away from Brigit
and went to face Buffy. 
  She put her hands on the younger woman's shoulders and looked into
her eyes. 

"Good hunting Slayer." Morrigan's normally clear husky voice sounded
strained "Listen to your soul mate, she sees things in a way you can

She handed Buffy a package. 

"Open it when you are at your destination." Morrigan said "It is
something to aid you in seeking your destiny." 

"T-thanks" Buffy said fighting her tears "I-I'll m-miss you." 

Unable to control herself any longer and not wanting to embarrass her
friend, Buffy turned and ran into her room. 

"I..ah..I" Morrigan stumbled her throat tight with unaccustomed emotion
"WE will miss you both." 

She spun and stalked into the trees her shoulders hunched and her hands
clinched in tight fists at her sides. 
Brigit and Willow shared a tearful hug then Brigit pulled out a small
package from the pouch on her belt. 

"As Morrigan said, open this when you reach the other side of the
veil." she said softly, "I will miss you little one,you have made my
days brighter." 

"There's no way we can ever thank you for all you've done for us."
Willow told her sadly, then looked over to where Morrigan had
disappeared into the trees. "Will she be alright?" 

"Worry not for her little one. She is just unaccustomed to expressing
emotion to any one but me." Brigit said with a sad smile as she gazed
lovingly after her wild lover. "It is a hard life for them little one. 
  We are easy for others to know and like, they are relaxed around
us but our others are too intimidating for others to be comfortable
with. It is not their fault it is the nature of their calling. 
  The life path they travel is dangerous and lonely, all they have
is us.
Care for her well little one. In many ways her life is harder then even

"I will I swear it." Willow said touched again by the womans compassion 

She turned and followed Buffy into the room leaving Brigit to seek out
her lover, she kew how badly Morrigan would need her tonight.

Willow entered their room and looked for Buffy, she found her standing
by the window seat staring out at the trees tears flowing from her eyes,
but not making a sound, 
Willow stepped up behind her best friend and lover, leaned against her
back and wrapped her arms around Buffy's waist. 

"I don't want to go back there." Buffy sobbed quietly as she leaned back
into her red haired pillar of strength. "They like us here, they
understand us here,it's not like back home. 
  We don't have anyone there. Back there they treat us like freaks
and outcasts. 
  Oh Wills I'm so confused. I know about the Slayer thing and about
saving the world and all the destiny stuff, but why us.   Even the
ones that know don't really care about us. We are the only ones that
care about us." 

"Not so" Willow whispered her hot breath caressing Buffy's ear. "There's
your mom and Xander,and Giles, don't forget Giles. 
  He was so worried when you got sick, I don't think he slept at all
and I know he didn't take a shower," 

Willow wrinkled her nose to make her point making Buffy giggle. She
turned around in Willow's arms so that she was looking into Willow's
  Buffy felt a tightness in her chest as he gazed into the dark
green eyes of her universe. 

<>This is the only reason to save the world<> Buffy thought <>because
she's in it<> 

"You know you've always been able to do that." Buffy said kissing
Willow's forehead. 
"What's that?" Willow asked beginning to nuzzle Buffy's neck 

"You've always been able to make me laugh." Buffy moaned as Willow
closed her teeth lightly on her neck. "No matter how depressed I am or
how bad the situation, my Wills knows just what to say." 

"M-m-m we aim to please." Willow groaned pulling back a little. "Kiss

"See what I mean." Buffy said softly just before their lips met. 

It was much later that night before the two exhausted lovers fell into
bed and drifted off into a deep dreamless sleep. 
End part 13 
No matter where you go - there you are.
              ~Buckaroo Bonzai~ 
The second worst tragedy in the world:
Not getting everything yo want. 
The worst tragedy in the world:
Getting it. ~Oscar Wilde~

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