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Truth and Consequences (Epilogue)

When I read over the last part it seemed incomplete so I figured a
post script was in order. Here it is such as it is.

Title: Truth and Consequences (Epilogue)
Author: Alex
Feedback: Please any comments or suggestions to: keeper444@xxxxxxxxx
Archive: Whatever or whoever Just tell me
 Summary: Sequel to A Higher Power
Spoilers: Still don't know still haven't seen that much of the show 
itself. (near future) 
Disclaimer: The characters of Buffy Willow Giles and any others from 
BTVS are the property of Joss Whedon and Mutant Enemy etc. No
infringement of any kind intended. 
Notes: A little dinner, a little closure, a little revenge. 
***denotes flashbacks***

Title: Truth and Consequences (Epilogue)
Author: Alex 
      Buffy smiled slightly as she remembered that first
'family' dinner with the Rosenberg's. 
        Willow was nervous but Buffy was terrified. This
was the first time she was doing something that was this important to
her Wills and she was determined to make it perfect 
        Her first problem was finding the right
something to wear, she'd gone through her closet trying on everything
she owned, none of them were quite right. The piles of clothes scattered
all over her room testified to the frantic search.
Finally she and Willow gave up and went shopping and since the mall
was her home ground they took Cordilia to help. 
          After several hours and several stores and
speciality shops the three of them came up with just the right outfit,
even Cordy thought Buffy looked good. 
          Buffy's mother, understanding how
important it was for the girls, sprung for a rare trip to the salon for
both of them. 
          When the time came two very nervous and
very frightened but very beautiful young women stood at the door of the
Rosenberg home. 
      They all sat down to dinner in the formal dinning
room, and began eating in nervous silence, small snippets of polite
conversation were all that broke up the steadily mounting tension.
Everyone was afraid of saying the wrong thing. 
        Finally Buffy looked over at Willow who gave her
a pleading look and remembering something Willow had told her long ago
she decided to try something different. 
          She left Mrs. Rosenberg to Willow, and
concentrated on winning over Mr Rosenberg. 

**** "So, Mr. Rosenberg," Buffy began crossing her fingers under the
table, "Willow tells me you fish. I think some of my best times were
going to the pier with my dad when I was a kid." ***

              It was the truth and it
worked, she could see the man brighten up, knowing that she was on the
right track and before the night was over, Buffy and Mr.R (as he
insisted she call him, all his friends did.) were down in his work shop
where he was teaching Buffy to tie flies.
Willow was so happy her face hurt from smiling. 
                After that night
Willow's parents warmed up to Buffy and soon she was taking off at least
twice a month to go fishing with Mr. R and his other fishing buddies.
Even Willow's mother would call Buffy by her name every once in a
while instead of "that girl" or 'the other one', Buffy's personal

      Toward the end of the semester the rumor mill got
bored with talking the openly affectionate couple, and with a few
exceptions either accepted or ignored them. Which was just fine with
them. Unfortunately those few exceptions
felt it necessary to make their presence known and for the second their
room was broken into and trashed but this time they didn't just destroy
everything they painted extremely offensive and hateful sayings and
names on the walls. 
          Once again the university promised a
through investigation and they would of course replace all their damaged
personal property. 
This time however Willow's parents were involved and after
discussing it with Buffy's mother insisted the couple move into a condo
in Giles complex, in fact they got them the place right next door to
It made both sets of parents feel better knowing he was there to
'watch' over their daughters. Buffy always laughed at their choice of
words and how they seemed to make Giles uncomfortable every time he
heard them. 
            They'd moved right in, using the
insurance to furnish their new place.
Everything met with their parent's approval with the possible exception
of the huge king size bed for their room, they all seemed a little
nervous any time anything about beds and sleeping arrangements come up
so they avoided the subject when ever possible, which again was just
fine with the girls. 
      Willow's training was coming along nicely, while she
wasn't as strong or as fast as the Slayer, but she was combining the
fighting techniques she learned from Giles and Buffy with her other
She was fast becoming a formidable pardner for Buffy in her
constant battle against the Darkness, and to be honest Buffy found it
was nice to have someone there always watching her back. 

**** On their first official night out on patrol as equals they ran
into the demon that had hurt Buffy so badly. Before Buffy could even
challenge it, Willow stepped in front of her and pointed her staff at
the hulking red demon. 

        "You will harm my love no more." Willow said

A bright neon green light shot from the emerald embedded in
head of the staff, it flashed across the space between her and the demon
and wrapped around him several times binding him.
He roared in agony as she took another step forward. 

      "Go back to the hell that spawned you and plague us no
more." she pronounced like a judge handing down a death sentence. 

        She stabbed the ground with the iron shod foot
of the staff and a swirling black vortex opened in the ground beneath
the immobile demon and he was sucked into it screaming in fear and pain
then it closed over him leaving the ground undisturbed as if he had
never existed. 
          Buffy was still starring slack jawed when
Willow turned and looked at her with a shy embarrassed grin. 

          "Whoa babe," Buffy was finally able to say
"remind me to never piss you off." 

          "He hurt you." was all Willow said. 

          Buffy laughed and hugged the most precious
thing in her life, for the first time Buffy felt 'safe' on patrol
because now her Wills would always be there to protect her. 
No matter where you go - there you are.
   ~Buckaroo Bonzai~ 
The second worst tragedy in the world:
Not getting everything yo want. 
The worst tragedy in the world:
Getting it. ~Oscar Wilde~ 

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