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The Next Illogical Step (2/2)

Here is the last half of this sequel. The next will begin where this one
ends and is much more involved. Hope you enjoy it.
It got a little long on me sorry,

Title: The Next Illogical Step 
Author: Alex
Feedback: Please any comments or suggestions to: keeper444@xxxxxxxxx
Archive: Whatever or whoever Just tell me
 Summary: Sequel to A Higher Power
Spoilers: This is all happening during as well as after the time covered 
in Truth and Consequences. Still in college Still near future.
Disclaimer: The characters of Buffy Willow Giles and any others from
BTVS are the property of Joss Whedon and Mutant Enemy etc. No
infringement of any kind intended. 
Notes: Hard questions asked and answered. 

Title: The Next Illogical Step (2/2)
Author: Alex 
        "You did what?" Giles asked angrily when Willow
told him what she had done to the Vatican's library files." Why would
you do that? How could you take that kind of chance? 
  What if they trace your virus back here? I just wish you had
put a little more thought into it or at least informed me before you
acted so rashly.
Honestly Willow I don't know what to think, this is completely out
of character for you. " 

      Willow sat calmly and let the over protective
ex-watcher rant until he was finished and glaring at her waiting for her
She knew he was really mad, she could see the vein throbbing on
his right temple and that was usually reserved for the Slayer. 

          "Calm down Giles before you hurt
yourself." she said quietly yet firmly 

          <>She's treating me like a petulant
child.<> Giles thought. 

            He sat down behind the desk with a
huff. She smiled at him sweetly. 

            "That's much better." Willow said
patiently I don't know what your problem is. It's not like I'm some rank
amateur at this,
I took precautions. First I went through so many different
connections Ma Bell and all her little baby Bells couldn't trace me.
Second the virus destroys all evidence of my incursion along
with the files including the hard drive, they'll never be able to
retrieve that information again, and third I did it for all those women
the Church had murdered just because they had different beliefs and had
the good fortune to find someone they loved, and stayed with them no
matter what. 
            Then they bragged about it Giles
read it, that's all those records are is some old bigot of a priest
bragging about how many blameless women he personally had murdered. 
          Hell, their lucky I didn't bring the whole
place down on them. Besides you know how the Vatican works they'd
probably come after Buffy and me if they thought they'd get away with

          Faced with her logic and determination
Giles had no alternative but to calm himself and read the information
she'd brought him. 

        "This is ghastly." he muttered as he read the
account "How could they possibly justify this?" 

      "You see my point." Willow said softly "Those bastards
had dozens of innocent women slaughtered in the name of religious
purity and the Church not only condoned it, the priests responsible were
given rewards and promotions for their 'good works'. 
          I know what I did was a little rash but, I
just couldn't let those men be remembered by history as heroes of the
faith, so I've done my best to see that history doesn't remember them at

          "Alright Willow, while I can't condone
your methods," Giles said holding up his hand to stop the protest
forming on her lips "I do have to agree it was at least a logical
          My only comment is that this is not the
last time you will run into this kind of thing and the next time you
feel the urge to take action please consult me before you do anything
and we might come up with a more appropriate response.
One that wont deprive the world of valuable historical

        "Okay I can live with that." Willow agreed "Now
let's get to work on the section of the book that's mentioned here, and
see what's next on my schedule so I can clear my calendar," 

        She was joking but as she read it suddenly
became unfunny. Giles finished the section shortly after she did and
took off his glasses and began rubbing the bridge of his nose. 

        "Well that was certainly interesting." he said a
little sarcastically, I will be looking forward to seeing how you handle

<>Now he shows a sense of humor<> Willow thought.

            "Thanks a lot," Willow shot back
"you mean no words of wisdom from the all mighty, all knowing watcher?" 

          "No, I am afraid you are on your own for
this one." Giles answered with a slight smile "This is one Slayer/Willow
situation that falls far outside my duties and way beyond my

            "Oh great, nothing quite so useless
as a useless watcher." Willow grumbled "Can I at least count on your

            Giles nodded his head trying to keep
from laughing at Willow's newest dilemma. 

            "Good" Willow said thoughtfully then
she knew just the right person to talk to. "Alright Mr. laugh at the
confused witch guy, then not a word to anyone and I mean anyone." 

        He agreed quickly and satisfied Willow hurried
out to find Buffy's mother.
          Once Willow tracked down Joyce Summers and
explained everything to her she suggested that they get Willow's mother
on board for this situation. 
          Willow's mother wasn't as comfortable with
her daughter's alternative lifestyle as her husband and Joyce, but this
problem was something she could understand, in theory at least. 
          She jumped in with both feet and was a
veritable fountain of information. 
        Arrangements were coming along nicely when
Willow decided it was time to 'talk' to Buffy. 
        At Willow's insistence Buffy took a night off
from patrol and wearing her best dress went to meet Willow at their
favorite Italian restaurant. 
            The owner of the restaurant had
taken a liking to the couple and as soon as he saw Buffy come through
the front door he hurried over and gave her a major bear type hug nearly
crushing the breath out of her. 

            "Please Mr. Lipari, can't breath,"
Buffy gasped. 

              "Your little Willow is waiting
for you." the man said setting her down and releasing her "If you'll
just follow me I'll take you to her." 

        "Sure thing Mr. Lipari." She said mystified and
noticing the huge grin plastered on his face. "Say, just between you and
me, any idea what's going on?" 

          "Oh no Buffy." he answered "I've been
sworn to absolute secrecy. Willow would skin me alive if I told you." 

          "Okay we wouldn't want that." she chuckled
"Who'd make my canolli if something happened to you. I couldn't' eat
anyone elses after tasting yours." 

            "You are too kind." he said truly
flattered then the grin reappeared "But I'm still not telling you. Now
come along Ms. Willow is waiting." 

            The friendly man led her through the
main dinning area but instead of going to their favorite table he led
her to the door of one of the private dinning rooms. 
        When she entered it took her breath away, the
only illumination in the room were dozens of flickering candles and
standing next to the only table was Willow. 
            She was a vision in an emerald green
silk dress it was obvious that she'd been to the salon, looking at her
Buffy could feel that familiar ache of longing deep in her soul.   
Willow motioned to Buffy to come to the table and held her
chair while she sat down. 
Unable to resist Willow leaned down and lightly brushed her
lips against the soft skin of Buffy's neck. 

            "Oh god Wills." Buffy moaned trying
to urge her to continue but Willow straightened up and went to her own
chair directly across from Buffy. 

      There was a single white rose next to Buffy's
plate, she held it to her nose and slowly inhaled it's fragrance. She
looked over the top of the rose and smiled at the way Willow was
watching her every move.
            Mr Lipari himself served their meal
that they ate in complete silence, their eyes speaking volumes across
the table in a language only they understood. 
          Finally as they were finishing their
desert (Mr Lipari's famous canolli, Buffy's favorite) Buffy's curiosity
got the better of her. 

      "Alright my little witchy girl," Buffy began,as she
ran the tip of one fingernail gently over the back of Willow's hand,
"What's going on here?" 

          "Why Slayer what ever do you mean?" Willow
said with mock innocence, "I'm just out to dinner with my bestest gal." 

        "Right, " Buffy said only semi playfully "I'll
tell you what, I'll go on home now and when your ready to let me in on
the secret that's where I'll be." 

          She started to rise but Willow grabbed her
wrist to stop her, Buffy looked into those pleading eyes and sat back
down knowing she was lost. 

          "Please don't leave Buffy." Willow's voice
was strained "I promise you'll understand real soon." 

        "As you wish." Buffy said softly "It's just I'm
not a patient person, life's too short, especially a Slayer's life." 

        "Don't" Willow said closing her eyes trying to
stop the tears. "Please don't say that." 

    Seeing the hurt she'd inadvertently caused Willow, Buffy
went around the table and cradled the weeping girl's head. 

          <>Geez Summers way to go <> Buffy thought,
mentally kicking herself <>Some day I just gotta learn to shut up<> 

        "Don't cry Wills " Buffy said in a frightened
almost little girl voice. "It was a mean thing to say, I'm sorry I
didn't say it to hurt you." 

      Willow looked into Buffy's clear blue eyes and felt
herself drawn into their depths. 

      "It's alright honey really" Willow reassured her "It's
just that I don't want to think about that tonight. Tonight is for
better, more optimistic things. Now please go back and sit down." 

        Buffy did as Willow requested and Willow reached
over and took Buffy's hand. They gazed into each other's eyes and for a
moment time ceased to exist. 

          "Buffy," when Willow said her name like
that it almost sounded like she was praying "I guess it's time to tell
you why I wanted to meet you here tonight." 

      "Well to be honest, I'm getting a little curious."
Buffy answered her I mean aside from the good food and the pleasant
company not to mention a welcome night off, I figured there had to be
some thing going on." 

        "It's just that well I found something that day
after Litha, while you were asleep and it's got me thinking." Willow
started holding on to Buffy's hand tightly "I know we've just got done
telling everyone about us and after all we've been through with that and
I know that logic and common sense would dictate tat we 'lay low' and
not do any thing to call attention to ourselves at least until tings
settle down." 

            "Okay that's kinda the way I I
figured." Buffy interrupted but Willow held up her hand to stop her. 

          "Like I was saying, I've come across some
disturbing information that has made me rethink that idea." Willow
continued "What I've found has made me think about how short life can be
and how easy it is for some outside force to make that life even
              My greatest fear has always
been to leave this life with too many regrets. Like everyone I have many
things that I regret that it's too late to do anything about but I've
decided that we...you and I..we...our relationship is not going to be
one of those regrets." 
     <>Oh god she's leaving me!<> Buffy thought, she felt an
icy dagger of fear pierce her heart <>I've done something wrong, I've
been to clingy.<> 

        Willow saw the stricken look cross Buffy's face
and hurried to reassure her. 

        "I don't mean I want out." Willow clarified
quickly "It's just that what I want to do doesn't make any sense. I mean
we're in a pretty good place right now and most people would be happy to
sit back and relax, but we're not most people." 

          "Ain't it the truth." Buffy snorted
despite the seriousness of the moment. 

            "I guess the best way to explain
this is to tell you what I've found." 

      Willow told Buffy everything she'd found about the
Sisters of the Soul and how they were persecuted and murdered by minions
of the church until there were only two left and the legend that said
the last two were rescued by the gods and taken still living to paradise
to become gods themselves. 

        "I think you can figure out who those last two
sisters were." Willow added 

        "Yeah I can." Buffy said tears flowing unchecked
from her eyes. 

          "Like I said I've found out a lot." Willow
said kissing Buffy's hand "One of the things I've learned is that when
two sisters are united they go through certain ceremonies. 
        One is like a wedding with family and friends so
that everyone can celebrate the joining of souls. 
        The second is a ritual of joining with only
their closest friends attending. 
          Ever since I've found out about I've been
running around trying to set this up and I've gotten to the point where
I can't go any farther without you." 

          Willow stopped and looked deep into
Buffy's eyes. Then she got up, came around the table and dropped to her
knees beside Buffy and looked up at the angelic face she loved so much. 

        "I guess the best way to say what I'm trying to
say is," Willow said her voice trembling with pent up emotion "I love
you Buffy Summers, will you marry me?" 

      Buffy was speechless, she'd never figured on this. Her
mind was completely out of control her thoughts swirling and jumbled,
she couldn't put a single coherent thought together. 

          "Oh..I...ah..you.. we..." No matter how
hard she tried Buffy couldn't say a complete sentence. 

            She knew she loved Willow more than
life itself and she knew that she would do whatever it took to make the
red haired girl with the bright green eyes happy. 
          She also knew that nothing in this world
would make her happier than to tell the world that she loved Willow
          So her answer was short easy and to the
          "Yes yes yes yes !" was Buffy's final word
on the subject. 

No matter where you go - there you are.
The second worst tragedy in the world:
Not getting everything you want. 
The worst tragedy in the world:
Getting it. ~Oscar Wilde~

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