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FIC: TT&T (Chapter 16: A Conversation Under the Willow Tree)

Hey all!

Alrighty one relationship sorted out for now just three to go... not much
else to say about this one, so just read and enjoy!
I'm experimenting with a new style in writing here so bare with me here?

Stefan Cilia

p.s. you're take on this chapter would be appreciated!

Through Thick and Thin

Chapter 16: A Conversation Under the Willow Tree

Cordelia stood under a willow tree and watched as Stjar'a walked towards
her. The sun made the elves hair sparkle, she strolled calmly towards her,
stopped to watch as bird flew by, bent down and picked up a flower and then
strolled on towards her.

"Hello Cordelia..."
"Hey Stjar'a."
"So what do we do know?" Cordelia asked.
"What do you mean?"
"Do we go on like nothing happened or..."
"But something did happen Cordelia."
"You honestly think I didn't notice that Stjar'a?"
"I'm sorry I shouldn't have."
"So this is your fault now?"
"If that's how you wish to think? Then yes."
Cordelia looked away and single tear ran down her cheek
"Cordelia you once asked me how old I was?"
"And you said something like: Younger then you think?"
"How old do you think I am Cordelia?"
"I really can't."
"Try me I promise I wont get angry."
"Older then Al'x at least."
Stjar'a shook her head with a smile.
"Younger?" Cordelia asked.
"Let's just say that this scares me probably as much as it does you."
"So this is all new to you too?"
"I wouldn't go that far, but still."
"Explain then please?" Cordelia asked and sat down on the grass in the shade
of a willow tree.
"I've always been. liberal even for a carefree elf. I was always pushing the
"You were a maverick."
"Sort of I guess and still am, but with you. I can understand falling for
another woman, which is not that uncommon where I come from."
"Then what is it that scares you?"
"You're a human."
"At that's bad why?"
"Cordelia." Stjar'a said and rubbed the points of her ears.
"Oh I see. So you being an elf and me being a human."
"Is something that's even more frowned upon back home then attraction to the
same sex."
"But we're not in your realm now are we?"
"Still it's something you're raised with and it doesn't just turn off. It's
like your own doubts regarding what's happening between us."
"I'm not that wigged out about it!"
"Still it scares you. It's in our nature, be it elves or humans, that we
always carry with us some fear of the unknown."
"And we overcome that fear by exploring right?"
"In this case learning. You must learn to look past your taboos as I must
"What about coming out?"
"Pardon me?"
"Coming out, you know telling everyone that you're gay or bi."
"This coming out it scares you?"
"More then the thrill of kissing you."
"Explain it to me please?"
"People.humans can be pretty judgmental and like you said they're afraid of
things they don't understand."
"And you coming out would do what exactly?"
"I don't know for sure?"
"You know that every being in that house will except it without a doubt
without so much as a harsh word."
"That's only because Buffy and Willow have already denounced the opposite
"You don't have to do that."
"I know."
"So what are you afraid off?"
"The unknown I guess."
"Sooner or later you will have to face this."
"With you or without you."
"I wouldn't mind if it would be with me."
Stjar'a stood up and offered Cordelia her hand.
"All I ask for is time." Cordelia said as she took the hand, feeling its
strange chill and then its strength as Stjar'a pulled her up.
"Cordelia elves live for a long time. Take all the time you need." Stjar'a
said as she placed the flower in Cordelia's hair.
"Thank you." Was said with a shy smile. For what she was thanking her
neither knew, nor did they care.
The walked towards the house, holding hands as friends on the brink of
becoming something more. All that was needed now was time.
"Hey I'm your friend right?" Stjar'a said as an answer to Cordelia's thank
"One of the best Stjar'a, one of the best." Cordelia answered sounding lost
in her own thoughts and the overwhelming sense of calm she now felt.
There was a comfortable silence as the moment seemed to last forever, but
everything, as is the way of things, must end.

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