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An intro of a newbie...

Hi everyone,

I joined a couple of days ago, and just thought I'd introduce myself! My
name is Laura (although sometimes I go by Krystyne!) and I have to confess
to being a complete newbie to the Buffy fandom (and indeed the series,
having only been a viewer for a few weeks!). I have been involved in the
world of slash for about two years, firstly in the Star Trek: Voyager world,
and then in other fandoms, such as due South and Deep Space Nine. I also
used to be predominantly an m/m slash writer, but in the last six months,
have been broadening my horizons and am now as addicted to f/f as I am to

I think the main allure of Buffy f/f slash for me, is that most of the
female characters have their own identity, and are strong, but feminine as
well. Each has their own strengths and weaknesses, and I think the show
brings that out! I love the idea of Buffy and Willow together, but I have to
confess to a weakness to Buffy/Faith, and Cordy slash as well, and some of
you may have seen me around on Cordyslash too!

Anyway, enough with boring you! Since I'm new, I'd appreciate anyone who
wants to, sending me their URLs for me to visit as well. Feel free to send
any interesting addies my way!


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