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Fic: The Wolf Within (7/?)

TITLE: The Wolf Within
AUTHOR: Erin (erin@xxxxxxxxxxx)
SPOILERS: None, really.
RATING: PG-13 at worst, because of some violence. It is a
Buffy/Willow fic, so if that bothers you, or it's illegal to even
think of a Slayer and a Witch getting it on, then just don't read it.
Or move.
DISCLAIMER: Buffy the Vampire Slayer and all characters belong to Joss
Whedon, Mutant Enemy, and Fox. I'm just borrowing them for a bit.
I'll put them back when I'm done, no worse for wear (but maybe a
little happier). Most of the werewolf stuff is copyright White Wolf,
such as Garou, Crinos, Child of Gaia, Glass Walker, etc.
ARCHIVE: Currently, none. Just ask, I'd love to say yes.
FEEDBACK: Constructive comments are encouraged.
SUMMARY: (Buffy/Willow) Willow discovers that there is more to her
than meets the eye, and it could tear her life apart.

Part the Seventh

Buffy collapsed wearily in a chair that had been set down next to
Willow's bed. It had been a long day, what with Chris popping in and
out, giving talks to Willow on what being a Glass Walker was all
about, and fussing over the new computer he bought her. Buffy didn't
realize what a bundle of energy the young Garou could be. Then
Nichole showed up for awhile, after having closed the magick store for
the day, to check on her patient. Buffy wasn't sure what she did, or
how she did it, but the upshot of it was that Willow was almost
completely healed after she left.

And unfortunately Giles was little help; playing nursemaid was
apparently not his strong suit, so most of the work had gone to Buffy.

Willow looked at her friend sympathetically. "Sorry I'm being such a

Buffy waved it away. "Don't be silly, Will!" The Slayer moved from
the chair to sit next to Willow on the bed. "I'm just glad that
you're almost a hundred percent. Better, even, a hundred and ten

Willow blushed, and dropped her eyes to the bedspread. "That's
mathematically impossible," she said, smiling. "I bet you'll be glad
not to have to play nurse for me anymore."

"Hey," Buffy said, lifting up Willow's chin until she was looking the
hacker in the eyes. "Listen to me, I don't mind, ok? I'm just really
glad that you're ok. That whole thing really gave me a scare, Will.
If something happened to you..." Now it was Buffy's turn to look

Willow stared at Buffy, her eyes taking in every detail -- her
delicate profile; her mouth, so expressive in either sadness or joy;
her eyes... Willow could get lost in her eyes, and often did. She
reached out a tentative hand, and caught a few golden strands of hair
with her fingers. The light caught them, and danced across like
flames. Willow was entranced.

The hacker closed her eyes for a moment, and when she opened them, she
saw Buffy looking at her, her expression a mixture of wonder and
puzzlement. Willow suddenly went red, all the way to her ears. She
cleared her throat, and said, "Well, I think I'd better rest now, I'm
getting a little light-headed, I think it must be the medication..."

Buffy smiled, and stood up to turn off the lights. "Ok, Will," she
said, making her way to the door. "Sleep well." She exited the room,
and shut the door behind her. The Slayer stood there for a moment,
trying to keep her heart from racing. Quietly, to no one in
particular, she said, "You aren't taking medication."

* * *

A short, hunched figure stood outside the door to room 214. He was
rubbing his arms as if he were cold, even though the dorm hallway was
climate controlled and quite warm. He reached out a tentative hand
and knocked. There was no answer, and the figure couldn't smell any
people inside the room either. He sighed.

The figure walked outside, and stood on a bench to try to see inside
the second story room. He couldn't see much, but what he could see
looked pretty much the same as it always did. Jumping off the bench,
he sat down, watching the entrance to Stevenson Hall. He had time.
He could wait.

* * *

Buffy woke up to the sounds, and smells, of breakfast cooking. She
opened an eye experimentally, and from her vantage point on Giles'
couch she saw Willow bustling around the kitchen.

The Slayer stood up, shakily, rubbing her eyes. "Just what do you
think you're doing, young lady?" She asked, stumbling to the kitchen.

"Making breakfast for two of my favorite people in the world...not
counting me, of course," Willow replied, cheerfully.

"Aren't you supposed to be convalescing, or something?" Buffy asked.
She tried to snatch a piece of cooling bacon, but Willow chased her
back with a spatula.

"I feel too good to lay around in bed. As soon as I get the word from
Nichole, the last bandages are coming off." Willow flipped a pancake.
"Could you go wake up Giles, please?"

"Sure... GILES! BREAKFAST!" Buffy yelled. She busied herself with
pouring orange juice. "I didn't know you were so into cooking, Will."

Willow shrugged. "I like cooking, and my mom didn't really seem into
it, so I did a lot of cooking at home. I kinda miss living in a place
without a kitchen." The hacker even hummed a bit as she buttered the

Buffy raised her eyebrows, impressed. "Gotta say, I'm loving the
positive attitude. You think you'll be up for some combat lessons

"Sure! A chance to learn all that punching and high-kicking stuff that
you do?" Willow smiled, delighted. "Just go easy on me, ok?"

Buffy chuckled. "_I'm_ not the one who turns into a werewolf. You're
the one who should be going easy on _me_."

* * *

The hunched figure stared at the double doors which were the entrance
to the Stevenson Hall dorm. His eyes burned from fatigue, and he
ignored the curious looks he was getting from passersby. He hadn't
seen her all night, hadn't seen either of them; it could only mean one
thing. They weren't staying here. Not here.

Once that conclusion was reached, the figure rose and began walking
away briskly.

Not here, he thought. Not here.

* * *

"Oof!" Buffy hit the floor, and started rolling. A clawed foot
slammed down onto the floor where her head once was. The Slayer leapt
to her feet and immediately executed a flawless leg sweep, sending her
opponent crashing down to the floor.

"Ohhhhhh..." Willow said, trying to stop the room from spinning. "I
not do well," she said, her long snout having difficulty forming the

Buffy grinned down at her friend. "No, actually you did pretty well
for your first time. You're strong, which is definitely a bonus, and
you've got impressive natural weaponry." She walked around until she
was standing above Willow's head, and then she squatted down so that
she was looking the werewolf right in the eye, albeit upside-down.
"Unfortunately, you're also a bit slow, and you're not sure how to
move. But that's what practice is for."

Willow looked up at Buffy, from her position on the floor. "That good
I think," she said. The werewolf frowned. She discovered that in
Crinos it was very difficult to get her mouth to form words, so she
took to talking in abbreviated sentences.

Buffy stood, and offered Willow a hand up. Willow's clawed paw
engulfed the young woman's hand, but Buffy pulled her up with ease.
"The best thing you could do is to change forms often, and live in
those forms as much as possible. You already know how your body moves
when you're human, you've been doing it for nineteen years. But your
other forms..." Buffy shrugged.

"Yeah, go to movies like this," Willow pointed at herself.

Buffy got a mental image of Willow, in full Crinos form, walking into
a movie theatre...followed immediately by screaming people pouring out
every exit. She giggled. "Um, no, probably not. But the more you
spar in your different forms, the more you'll get used to 'wearing'

The two took up positions facing each other, a few feet separating
them. "Ok," Buffy said, "again."

* * *

To: Gregory Hartwell <ghartwell@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: Christopher Maxwell <cmaxwell@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Newest project - Rosenberg
X-Encryption: PGP 6.5.1
Date: February 23, 2000 12:15 PST

Mr. Hartwell,

I am writing to update you on recent events regarding the Lost Cub
Willow Rosenberg. 

Contact was made with the Cub at 8:35 PM on 02/21/2000. She had
suffered serious injuries due to a recent fight with two Black Spiral
Dancers, a fight that she would not have survived if it were not for
her companion, a Slayer by the name of Buffy Summers. I will include
my impressions on the Slayer below.

The Cub was taken for emergency medical care to a Child of Gaia
Theurge by the name of Nichole Thompson. Our research did not turn up
the fact that she was in Sunnydale; I believe that adjustments should
be made to ensure that such important intelligence is not overlooked
again. The Theurge was able to call on spirits to aid her in healing
the Cub, and as of this writing, the Cub is completely healed from her
previously grave injuries.

I have begun Glass Walker orientation with the Cub, in preparation for
her coming to Los Angeles to become a full Tribe member, with all
benefits that it entails. She has shown great adeptness for computers
and modern technology, as well as a quick intelligence and a curiosity
to learn about Garou customs.

Her companion, Buffy Summers, is one of the Slayers that we have read
about in Human lore. She is a formidable fighter, which is proved by
the fact that she killed two attacking Black Spiral Dancers, unaided
and unarmed. She is a close friend to Cub Rosenberg, and defends her
from any possible harm. It is my estimation that she should be
cultivated as an ally, since she is already aware of the existence of
Garou, and she can be a formidible ally against the Wyrm.

It is my recommendation that Cub Rosenberg be kept here, in Sunnydale,
until such time as the Black Spiral threat is diminished. 

I am investigating the possibility of setting up a Glass Walker
contingent in Sunnydale, to deal with Wyrm activity and potential Lost
Cubs. I would like to ensure that the recent incidents surrounding
Cub Rosenberg do not happen again.

I look forward to your response.


Christopher Maxwell
Glass Walker Philodox
Vice-President of Software Development, Hartwell Technologies

* * *

To: Christopher Maxwell <cmaxwell@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: Gregory Hartwell <ghartwell@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Newest project - Rosenberg
X-Encryption: PGP 6.5.1
Date: February 23, 2000 2:37 PST

Mr. Maxwell,

I read with interest your report on this Lost Cub. I am glad to hear
that she was delivered from the Black Spiral Dancers, and that she is
now recovering nicely.

Her companion troubles me, but if I have your assurance that she is
not Wyrm-tainted, then it will put my fears to rest. I have read many
legends about the Slayer, and that their primary purpose is to destroy
the Wyrm's minions; I trust that this is not myth, but truth.

Continue with your lessons to Cub Rosenberg. Unfortunately, at this
moment, we are involved in a conflict with Environ Oil, both in the
physical world, the financial world, and the spirit world. Their
Wyrm-taint reached farther than any of us realized, perhaps even back
to Pentex itself. Your skills will be missed, and unfortunately we
cannot send you any assistance in your mission. All of our resources,
however, financial and otherwise are at your disposal, as always.

I agree with your position about a Glass Walker contingent in
Sunnydale. Please keep me informed as to the results of your

Also keep me posted, Chris, as to when you can bring the Cub back
here, to L.A.


Gregory Hartwell
Glass Walker Philodox
Sept Leader
Chief Executive Officer, Hartwell Technologies

* * *

Buffy and Willow sat on the couch, watching Giles' little TV. The
Watcher himself had left after dinner to go to the store, muttering
something about werewolves eating him out of house and home. Buffy
pointed out that it was better than werewolves eating him, period, and
he was unable to argue.

Willow was very apologetic about eating so much, but everyone realized
that it was just a matter of her metabolism getting back into shape
from all that healing. When it was all said and done, Buffy and Giles
were very glad to have had Willow healed up in a matter of days for
wounds that, previously, would have taken weeks to heal, if her body
could heal them at all.

So the two friends were stuck at home, watching reruns of some inane

"You know, it never fails," Buffy said, disgustedly. "I've only seen
this show twice, ever, and each time it's the exact same episode."

"I think they plan it that way," Willow said, nodding sympathetically.
"TV schedules do funny things. Like you know that show, 'To Be
Announced'? Well, I've always tried to see what that show is about,
but when I tune in, it's always some other show." She smiled at the

Buffy grinned back. She didn't know what it was, but Willow always
had the ability to cheer her up, to make her forget all the bad things
lurking out there. For a Slayer, whose job was to confront all those
bad things, a friend like Willow was a godsend. "You're amazing, you
know that?" She asked.

"Me, amazing?" Willow said. "Nah, I'm the most unamazing person out
there, pretty normal, pretty boring. Well, except for the werewolf
thing. And the witch thing. And the 'my best friend is a Slayer'
thing." She grinned. "Other than that, I'm stuck solidly in

"Never," Buffy said softly, her eyes shining. "All those other things
aside, you're exceptionally smart, exceptionally witty, and
exceptionally beautiful."

Willow blushed. "You...you think I'm beautiful?" She tried to look
away, to look down, but couldn't. She was captured by those eyes.

"I do," Buffy replied, slowly inching closer. Her face was a mere few
inches away from Willow's, now, and the gap was closing. "And I ought
to know."

"Why...why is that?" Willow asked, her voice dropping to a whisper.

"Because I can't stop looking at you," Buffy replied. She licked her
lips slightly and began to lean in, prepared to make vanish those last
few inches that kept her lips from meeting perfection.

And then it happened.

There was a knock at the door.

DAMN! Buffy thought, as both she and Willow froze. I will tear this
person in half if they don't have a good reason for being here, she
thought, viciously. The Slayer stood, and made her way around the
couch to the front door. Opening it, she froze.

"Who is it, Buffy?" Willow called out, from the couch.

Buffy's jaw clenched.


END Part 7

(Heehee... I am such a bitch. :)

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women." -- Greyfox, Slashdot
*email: erin@xxxxxxxxxxx

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