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Re: [buffywantswillow] Challenge Fic: Principles of Lust (1/1)

On Tue, 28 Mar 2000 16:56:57 -0500, you wrote:

>From: ~~Kimber <kacoe@xxxxxxx>
>Hey Erin, great fic. Very realistic. Had I known that this challenge was gonna get such
>a response, I would have made mention of my fantasy a little earlier.

Why thank you, yours was very good as well, even if you insist on
being such a tease! <grumble>

>hehe...one thing I noticed though......can we all just say "Poor Xander"all together.
>Between you, Carol and I the poor boy is gonna have a mr. happy for the rest of his
>life! lol

<laugh> Yeah, well the choices for Scooby characters are pretty
limited. You've got Giles, and I have only one word to say about
Giles walking in on three naked women -- ick. :) Actually, someone
might be able to play it up for laughs if they did it well. You
(arguably) have Mrs. Summers (another ick), or Tara, but that option
would need a lot more exploration. :) Same with Anya. So Xander
makes a lot of sense, if you think about it.


(Sorry if anyone out there likes Joyce and/or Giles, I'm just
expressing a personal preference.)
Faith: "Ready to cut loose?"
Buffy: "Try me."
Faith: "Okay then. Give us a kiss."
"So Willow's not driving stick anymore. Who would've thought?"
-- Faith
*email: erin@xxxxxxxxxxx

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