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RE: [buffywantswillow] Driving (Rated R)

Great story and please add more. I want to know if Willow takes her advise. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Eeyore Thud Onkey [mailto:thudonkey@xxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2000 9:21 PM
To: willowslash@xxxxxxxxxxx; buffywantswillow@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [buffywantswillow] Driving (Rated R)

From: Eeyore Thud Onkey <thudonkey@xxxxxxxxx>

Title: Driving
Author: eeyore
E-mail: thudonkey@xxxxxxxxx
Archiving: help yourself, but please credit the donkey 
Cast: Willow and Faith -- but I promise that Faith won't get up Willow's
Rating: R -- no sex, but you just know Faith's got a foul mouth.
Disclaimer: none of these characters belongs to me, and I'll try to keep
more or less true to what the powers that be see in them.
Spoilers: What we've seen of Willow and Tara so far this season.
Feedback: is much better than driving stick, and nearly as good as driving
anyone else.

by eeyore

Willow looked up a second too late for it to be polite to avoid
Faith when she saw the slayer against a gravestone in the
cemetery. She steeled herself for the inevitable insults -- 
and the possibility of physical violence -- and walked up.

"So, Faith," she started out, trying to sound nonchalant. 
"What brings you to Sunnydale? Planning on a little more 
killing or something?"

"Nah," Faith responded coolly. "That gets kinda old after a 
while. I just thought I'd get myself another shot at B's guy. 
He wasn't bad."

Faith clearly enjoyed the hostility on Willow's face as the 
witch struggled to get a coherent objection out. Finally she 
put an end to the stumbling by saying, "relax, Red, I'm just 
being a tourist. I'll be gone by the morning."

"Oh, good," Willow said. "Because I'd hate to have to stake 
you, or hurt you, or tie you up, or beat you, or. . ." Willow 
trailed off as it became apparent to her exactly where Faith's 
mind had gone with those images.

"Ooh, Red," she said with a grin. "I had no idea that you played 
_those_ games."

By this point, Willow was getting close to hyperventilating. 
Wanting to draw out the ride, Faith changed gears. "So, how're 
things going in college? Are you making new friends and stuff?"

Willow nodded. "Yeah. There's some really nice people in my 
classes, and they're really nice to hang out with. So, we go and 
do things, like going to the Bronze, and it's. . ."

"Really nice," Faith interrupted.

"Yeah," Willow nodded. "It is." Thinking about something other 
than Faith was putting the usual smile back on Willow's face.

"I'm doing some cool stuff with the Wicca group too. Some of them 
are a bit, sorta, clued, but there's some real witchy stuff going 
on too. There's this one girl, Tara. . ."

Again Faith interrupted. "Is she the mousy one you were all over 
in the Bronze that night?"

Willow's complexion brightened to match Faith's nickname for her. 
"What are you talking about? I wasn't all over her. I've never. . . 
I mean I don't . . I mean I might have been holding her hand or 
something but that's not anything to get all twisted about or concerned 
or questioning my . . ."

"Let me help you out here," Faith said. "I know you're a couple. 
I don't care -- although I am a bit surprised that Buffy isn't 
a bit more bent out of shape about it."

Willow completely missed the Buffy reference in her struggle to 
get her head around the first part of Faith's comment.

"We're not a couple. We do spells together, and homework, and 
maybe play cards, but we don't do couple-y stuff or go out, or -- 
well we do go out, but not on dates or anything -- and we certainly 
don't. . ." Willow struggled to a halt, but what it was that 'she 
didn't' was very clear from the glazed and slightly shocked look 
on her face.

Faith was genuinely surprised. "You mean you've never. . ." she 
made an Anya-like gesture. When Willow shook her head in bemusement, 
Faith continued "not even stroked her breasts, or maybe sucked on 
her neck or licked the sweat from her jawline?"

Willow looked like she was going into shock. Faith reached out a 
hand to try to steady her, but Willow flinched away like any contact 
with anyone was _way_ out of line.

"Red. . . Willow. . . you mean to tell me you've never even kissed her?" 

"No," came Willow's reply very quietly. "I don't. . . I'm not. . . 
I wouldn't know what to. . . I don't know."

"But you do find her attractive, right?" Faith was completely certain 
of that within the first 10 seconds of having seen Willow and Tara 

Willow tried to speak, but couldn't quite bring herself to say anything. 
Finally she nodded slightly and whispered "I think so."

Faith almost cursed out loud. She'd meant to give Willow a rough 
time but had managed to stumble into a major crisis that she just 
couldn't bring herself to make worse. "Look, Red, think about who 
you're talking to. I don't exactly count homophobia among my sins. 
If you can't talk to your adversaries, who can you talk to?"

Willow almost smiled at that. "Faith, I _don't_ have anyone to talk 
to. Everybody would freak. I think Tara would freak if I tried to 
talk to her and I just don't want to wreck everything between us. 
I really don't know what to do."

"Kiss her."


"C'mon, Red, even you have kissed before. I've seen you with dog-boy. 
Just find a time when the two of you are alone together and kiss her. 
Before you know it you'll be buried between her thighs with her come 
all over your face." Faith derived enough pleasure from the response 
she got to _that_ statement that she felt she could go on being a 
mentor to Willow for a few more minutes.

"I don't know how." Willow was seriously angsting. She sagged against 
the gravestone that Faith was leaning on. "I want to. . . I want all 
kinds of things. . . I want things that I don't even know how to want, 
but I don't know how to get there from here."

Faith just about laughed for sheer joy. The way was coming clear for 
her to indulge this new habit of helping people out at the same time 
as she could get one up on Willow. Faith didn't even try to resist the

She turned slightly toward Willow and said, "it's easy. All you have 
to do is get close. You want an example of what I mean?"

That seemed safe enough to Willow. She nodded.

Faith leaned in, not even missing a beat, and said, "hey, you smell 
nice. Is that a new perfume?" On that pretext she shifted closer 
so that her lips were nearly touching Willow's neck. Startled, the 
Wiccan looked over in Faith's direction, and found her face nearly 
against the slayer's.

Slowly, almost as if she were giving Willow a chance to bolt, Faith 
closed the small gap between them, and her lips met Willow's. 
Willow's entire body -- already way overloaded from the tension with 
Tara and the conversation with Faith -- went into hyper-drive and 
she moaned against Faith's mouth, opening her lips to let Faith in.

Faith took complete advantage, sliding her tongue softly inside to 
lick up against Willow's and shifting their bodies closer together. 
She knew she had her. Willow would do anything she wanted at this 
point. Of course, she'd hate Faith the next day -- or the next hour 
for that matter -- but that had never stopped Faith from taking what 
she wanted. The rush of knowing that was even hotter for Faith than 
the kiss.

Faith just couldn't do it. After a brief hesitation, she pulled back. 
She heard Willow's soft sound of protest at the withdrawal and stopped, 
inches away, watching the redhead.

After a moment, Willow's eyes opened, and Faith read the panic in them 
along with the arousal that Willow was giving away by her labored 
breaths. Faith shocked both of them by resting a hand gently on 
Willow's shoulder and saying, "easy, Willow. I'm not trying to take 
advantage of you -- not that it wouldn't be absolutely spectacular to 
take you here and now and not listen to any objections. Go and find your
girlfriend -- and take it out on her."

Without waiting for a thank you, or a slap across the face -- depending 
on Willow's interpretation of what had just nearly happened -- Faith 
turned and sauntered away displaying the arrogant confidence that she 
always exhibited to others. What Willow couldn't see was the wistful 
smile on Faith's face as she actually found herself hoping that Willow 
found what she was so awkwardly searching for.


Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can, and the 
wisdom to hide the bodies of those people I had to kill because they pissed
me off.

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