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Re; The Rocky Road

Kimber, Kimber, Kimber...

What hath thou wrought?

Yes, allow my voice to be added to the many who praised your stories so far. "The Rocky 
Road" is one of the best things I've read on this list to date. But the ending of chapter 15 left 
me with quite the same feeling that the second season finale left me, when Buffy had to kill 
Angel, and then ran away from home. 

There is a sequel, right? Never mind the tear-inducing final moments, you simply have too 
many questions up in the air; will Willow find Xander? Will Buffy find Willow? Will Quentin 
and Ethan find them both? And what about Scarecrow's brain?

Take some time, I can wait. I'd rather see a slowly developed sequel that gets it right, than a 
quickly hashed out story just to get it out of the way. But WRITE THAT SEQUEL...

...or else a lot of other writers will write their own. Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha!


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