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FF - untitled (1/?)

Have no idea if this is gonna work - this story needs HTML formating to make sense - would some one let me know if this went through readable or if I need to try something else.kimly
TITLE: (1/?) 

AUTHORS: kimly (klinonis@xxxxxxxxx) & shyfox (shyfox30@xxxxxxxxxxx) 

DISCLAIMER: All BTVS characters belong to Joss Whedon and Mutant Enemy. The characters of Xena: Warrior Princess and all other associated with the television series of the same name are owned by MCA/ Universal Pictures. This is a work of fan fiction and no copyright infringement

is intended. No monetary profit is being made.

PAIRING (Buffy-verse): Hmmm, maybe, haven't made that decision yet

PAIRING (Xena-verse): X/G

RATING: ALT-PG (for the X/G relationship at this point) nothing graphic

SUBTEXT: (This is a Xena-verse thing?) They Xena & Gabrielle, in case you haven't been paying attention, are in love with each other.

SUMMARY: Xena ends up in Sunnydale - stuff ensues

SPOILERS: Everything is fair game in both verses

DISTRIBUTION: None, yet - this is VERY rough and incomplete. Please wait till it's finished

Kimly's NOTES: Well, I've tried writing in the present tense, writing without using proper names, writing from various characters' points of view, so next in line is writing a crossover and as an added bonus, it's a joint effort (hiya shyfox!). So mote it be. Here's our attempt at crossing Buffy the Vampire Slayer with Xena: Warrior Princess - not like that. Jeez?

Shyfox's NOTES: It has been great collaborating on the story. I've had a lot of fun scheming things up with kimly. And, thank her for the inspiration of the story. It's a good one. Enjoy.

It had been a perfectly normal week; normal for Sunnydale anyway. The chief of police had been turned into a vampire. The Scooby gang hadn't realized it at first and he stalked the town for six days before Buffy put an end to his undead life. It wasn't physically difficult, but it rubbed her all wrong that he eluded her completely for three of those days. Because of her foul mood, any other vampire within her grasp was thoroughly pounded before being staked. Thankfully Giles hadn't been joining her for her rounds. He hated the pulpy mess she made before dusting them when she got into those types of moods.

To make matters more interesting, the overall number of vampires Buffy encountered were rising drastically. It wasn't from conversions from their town either. There hadn't been an inordinate number of deaths that week. Plus, the vamps weren't newbies. They fought well, like they had been trained; whether in their living or undead life was unknown.

The Slayer's negative disposition was evident in her walk and her lack of banter with her bestest bud and resident wiccan, Willow. The redhead had spent most of the night trying to de-funk her friend to little success. She was far from giving up. She was still trying when they started the sweep through the last cemetery.

"Come on, Buffy, it's no big deal. Who'd have thought to look in Mr. Spencer's shed?" Willow was walking backwards in front of Buffy. "We found him. You staked him. We will figure out why we're suddenly even more of a tourist attraction for the fang gang. Hey, maybe we got five stars from triple A."

That got a small smirky smile from the blonde, but it was near panic that came though the Slayer's eyes. The hacker swallowed hard. 

"There's a big, hairy, scary, monster - thingy behind me, isn't there?" 

Willow hadn't even had time to look back as Buffy latched onto her wrist and yanked her behind herself. Willow's feet left the ground and she landed with a thud. 

Buffy had a confidence born of familiarity that Willow would stay behind her, so she took several strides forward. "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Sunnydale. Please check all fangs at the border. We hope your stay is pleasant. Stakings are complements of the resident Slayer. Oh yeah? that would be me."

She produced a stake for each hand, twirling them, and casually walked towards the seven vampires. Four had been male, three female. Three of the males started forward to meet her. If she had six shooters instead of stakes and if the trio could have survived in direct sunlight, it would have looked similar to an old time western call out. 

"We've been sent to make the light's greatest champion, its worst enemy," the one on the far left explained. They had stopped their advance twenty paces away. "It is no longer enough just to drain you. We are going to make you one of us."

Buffy looked almost bored. "You can try. Others more powerful than you have, and failed. I won't even break a sweat with you." With that, she brought her right arm forward and when it was fully extended, released the stake. Her aim was true and the vamp on the right stared in shock at his chest before exploding.

"Now, you have already lost, like?. what? Will, math!"

"14.29 percent. Rounded."

"Fourteen plus percent of your force. Do you really want to do this?"

The remaining two looked at each other trying to decide how to proceed. From behind them, the brunette in leggings, a ripped sweatshirt and headband hopped a gravestone, ran between the two males, and charged the Slayer.

"Dumb move," Willow muttered from her vantage point behind a headstone of her own.

"1983 was a millennium ago. Can't you people change clothes once you rise?" Her banter was answered by a flying leap and a growl. Buffy changed the creature's flight path with a well placed kick to her sternum. The vamp went off to the left and landed with a grunt. She didn't get up.

What was left of the original three came at her from either side, planning to overpower her. The blonde took three steps to meet the one on the right, Jeffery, and threw him into the one on the left, Peter. She was engaged in an artful dance of kicks and punches. Jeffery and Peter seemed to have fought together before and gave her a very thorough workout.

While Buffy was dancing, Willow noticed two females trying to sneak up on her. OK, I can do this? a little holy water, a little crucifix, a little magical fireball? The crucifix was dangling from her neck. She prayed never to run into her dad while patrolling. She produced a neon green and pink gun shaped object from her pack. The vampires laughed. It abruptly stopped when they got hit with the first volley smack in the face. They doubled over and grabbed their cheeks, howling in pain.

Willow dropped the Supersoaker, brought her hands in front of her chest and concentrated before raising them above her head. "Goddess of Protection. Goddess of Defense. Grant me the power to return these soulless beings to whence they came!"

The wiccan's power was stabilizing. Her hands tingled. She pointed one then the other at the stunned vamps. Fireballs released from her fingers, her aim was true and the energy she directed devoured their hearts. They crumpled to dust. And just because she thought she could, Willow brought her right hand foreword again. A final charge was directed at the fashionably challenged vampire that originally charged Buffy. She quietly joined her comrades in the ultimate, final slumber.

"That went better than expected," the wiccan muttered and collected her discarded equipment. She turned her attention back to the battle Buffy was fighting. She was so focused on her own light show that she never saw the flash of white light appear behind the mausoleum.

* * * * * *

A swirling vortex materialized six feet above the ground and unceremoniously spit a body towards the ground. The figure kept her directional sense and landed in a crouch with her hands on the ground. She was wearing a leather battle dress with brass armor. A sword was strapped to her back, its handle showing to the right of her head.

"Ares!" the warrior bellowed.


Before Xena could curse out the God of War any further her ears picked up a fight. "A fight is a fight, where ever I am." She took off at a jog around the side of the tomb and skidded to a stop.

"A fight is a fight, where ever I am."

She rubbed her eyes not quite believing what they were telling her. A blonde, even shorter than Gabrielle, was throwing a series of combination punches to the face and mid-section of a disfigured man. When he brought his arms up to defend his face, the blonde drove a stick into his chest and he disappeared. 

Xena shook her head. "If this is thr Furies' idea of a joke... so help me!" Her attention was pulled from the blonde by a scream.

"If this is the Furies' idea of a joke? so help me!"

"Buffy! Behind you!"

Xena's head whipped from the voice back to the blonde in time to see her side get shredded by the claw-like hands of another disfigured man. It surprised the warrior that the girl barely flinched. She pulled her hand from her side, saw the blood and fire flared in her eyes.

"That was my favorite shirt!" before Buffy finished the sentence, she was moving again. The vamp only swiped at her and barreled on towards Willow.

With only two vampires left, the hacker was over confident in her Slayer's ability to finish them quickly and neatly. The Supersoaker was neatly tucked in her knapsack. She drew her arm back to sling a fireball at the creature. Her arm came forward? and nothing happened. No juice? Oh? oh, boy!

The vampire grabbed Willow by both shoulders and lifted her off the ground. She struggled and managed to land a few kicks to his body and legs. 

Xena finally snapped out of her fog. That dark haired girl was over matched and in serious trouble. Fight for those who can't. I can do that. The warrior reached the vampire moments before Buffy. She landed a kick to his knee, dislocating it and causing him to fall. On his way down, he flipped his captive away in order to use his arms to catch himself.

Fight for those who can't. I can do that.

Willow went about 10 feet before connecting solidly with the ground and getting knocked unconscious.

"Willow!!" Buffy was preparing to stake the vamp through the back when the tall, leather clad woman tried to play hero. The Slayer knew she had to neutralize the threat before checking on her friend. The warrior had followed the shot to the knee with right to the chin.

"What do you think you're doing? I had this under control! If Willow's hurt, I will stake you next!" The slayer was yelling at the top of her lungs as she plunged the stake home. The vamp dusted shortly thereafter.

Xena heard the words but didn't understand them. Tone alone told her the blonde was very upset. The warrior figured she was worried about the other girl. Since the blonde seemed intent to finishing the disfigured man, she moved to check on the brunet.

Willow was just coming around when Xena arrived at her side and knelt down. "Don't move. You landed pretty hard," the warrior counseled, gently pushing on the hacker's shoulder to emphasize her point. "Rest for a moment."

"Don't move. You landed pretty hard."

"Rest for a moment."

Xena didn't get another chance to determine the extent of Willow's injuries. Buffy tackled her.

"Get way from her!"

Again, Xena couldn't understand the strange speech. But she did understand the angry fist that connected with her jaw. She tasted blood, surprised that such a petite thing could land such a blow. Her natural reaction was to return the blow, but her gut was telling her this wasn't an enemy. 

The warrior pushed Buffy to the side and quickly slid back and away before getting into a crouch. Before the Slayer could attack again, Xena held her hands in front of her in a calming motion before checking on her split lip with a loose fist.

Buffy stared at her from an identical crouch and accepted the tentative truce. Especially since Willow groaned and rolled heavily onto her back. Buffy was at her side, smoothing the hair off her forehead. "Hey, welcome back. How's the head?"

"Mmmm, fuzzy. But OK. I had the strangest dream. A woman? leather? I think I saw a sword. She was speaking to me, but I couldn't understand her," Willow explained trying to sit up. Then she saw Buffy's side. "Buffy! You're hurt! Hurt is bad. Hurt is bloody?" she said as she examined the Slayer's side.

"Will, Will, I'm fine. A little worse for ware, but you know me, all better by morning. Now you, what do ya say we call it a night? I'm beat."

Willow caught movement over Buffy's shoulder. "Hey, you're the woman from my dream."

Buffy shifted and put herself between her fallen friend and a standing warrior. Willow grabbed her arm to keep her at her side. Buffy settled back down but eyed the stranger warily.

Xena kept her hands open and in front of herself. She cocked her head to try to get a look at the injured girl. "Please, I may be able to help."

"Please, I may be able to help."

Both young girls looked confused at the language being spoken. "Have any idea what she's speaking?" Buffy asked.

"I think it's Greek, but I've never heard it spoken. I've only read it," Willow answered.

Xena took a cautious step forward. Buffy immediately tensed. 

"Buff, let her come. She's on our side."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, she's a good guy, a white hat."

Buffy trusted Will's intuition explicitly. Besides, her slayer sense didn't even ping around the strangely dress woman. She moved to Willow's other side. Xena took this as a sign that she could move closer.

"My name is Xena," the warrior stated as she settled at Willow's side. She cupped Willow's face and looked into her eyes. She was concerned at what she found. The girl was having trouble focusing and her right pupil was fixed. She brought her other hand up and ran it lightly over Willow's scalp. The was a tender bump above the right temple. "You have a concusion," she explain. Then to Buffy, "We need to get her to someplace safe. This place hasn't been real safe." The warrior sat back on her heels and waited.

"My name is Xena."

"You have a concussion"

"We need to get to someplace safe. This place hasn't been real safe."

"Well, any idea what she said?" Buffy wanted to know.

"Not a clue, but I think we can assume she doesn't want to hurt us. Her hands were real gentle and she hasn't drawn that sword of hers."

"Good enough. We've gotta get to Giles. You can get some rest and I can get some stitches. Can you stand?"

"We'll soon see?" Willow attempted to stand but barely made it vertical before Buffy's quick reflexes kept her from meeting the ground again. Xena also placed a steadying hand on the girl.

"I'll take that as a NO," the Slayer quipped and prepared to lift her friend into her arms. As she went to straighten, her side complained violently. The muscles had been severed. She did not have the strength to lift the redhead.

Xena placed a hand on Buffy's shoulder. She hoped Gabrielle was right and she could hold a conversation with her eyes. After a moment Buffy nodded. The warrior lifted the girl into her arms and looked for Buffy to lead the way. Guess I'm with these two for a while...

Kim Linonis
Rutgers Cooperative Extension
Salem County
51 Cheney Rd, Suite 1
Woodstown, NJ 08098

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