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OT: Joss talks about fanfic

Hey all,

Joss was at the posting board earlier and had an interesting reaction to the world of
fanfic...I'd take it as a teeny tiny little seal of kind-of approval. lol....I tried to
ask him something but he didn't answer *grumble*...ah well..tis my brush with
greatness....read on....

joss says:
(Sun May 14 19:54:09 2000
Rabid, what's this about a poll? And as for all the various women-and-hygiene
pitches, there's a
time and a place for everything, and I think it's called fanfic.

joss says:
(Sun May 14 20:16:13 2000
Sci-Fi, how DARE you ask me about the gatekeeper trilogy? The NERVE! No, not trying
to get
down on you. I just can't read ideas (or fanfic, for that matter) and I get the
question a lot.
Doesn't mean you shouldn't ask. And doesn't mean you shouldn't write. If you need to
write, you
will. If you write well, odds are you'll be noticed. It takes time. Platitudinous
but true.
On the subject of Fanfic, by the way, I am aware that a good deal of it is naughty.
My reaction
to that is mixed -- on the one hand, these are characters played by friends of mine,
and the idea
that someone is describing them in full naughtitude is a little creepy. On the other
eroticizing the lives of fictional characters you care about is something we all do,
if only in our
heads, and it certainly shows that people care. So I'm not really against erotic
fic, and I
certainly don't mind the other kind. I wish I'd had this kind of forum when I was a

Your humble bard,
Shadowlander's #1 fan and her 'Official Un-Official Idea Bouncer Offer'
Pat Kelly's #1 fan and his 'Offical scene runner-by'er'
- - - - - - - -
"One out of every ten people is born to give the other nine trouble. Guess what number I
"Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty
girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute. That's relativity."
"They say that love hides behind every corner... am I walking in circles?"
- - - - - - - -

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