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VIP at the Posting Board (Velvet Chain)

Had to share my brush with greatness with you all...Erika Amato is on the PB now and I
asked...and she answered!!! Woo Hoo!! We were talking about music we're rather not admit
to liking...hehe.....

~~Kimber says:
(Tue May 16 16:54:48 2000
MAPGIrl and Erika - Hey...Amber admitted to liking New Kids on the Block...am I the only
one who has those 5 hairspray poster-boys hidden WAY in the back of my closet? LOL

Erika Amato (Velvet Chain) says:
(Tue May 16 17:00:18 2000
Beldin: I'm sorry! Yes, that's sort of a trademark of mine. I realixe I've been online way
too long and then POOF, I'm gone! =)
Misako: Yay! I'm so glad you like it! Yes, please do buy it. We're struggling artists, as
you know, so every sale is appreciated!
Kimber, Kenickie, MAPGIrl: Actually, I am a huge Duran Duran fan. That's my secret.
Although I guess it's not a secret, 'cause I think it's in my bio on the website...
Anyway, I always hated all those other "bands" you just mentioned. But a lot of people
lump Duran Duran in with those "boy bands" too, so, judge me how you will. ;-)
Sandy: Nice to meet you! And thanks!

Your humble bard and Rodrigo's dedicated love slave,

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