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Re: [buffywantswillow] Question for a Fic

There are many cases where innocent people have spent prison time for 
One of the most infamous was a St. Louis woman convicted of poisoning her 
infant with anti-freeze. She was pregnant with her second child when she was 
arrested for the death of her first. She delivered her second child in jail, 
and it was immediately taken from her and placed in state child care. (The 
legal system was'nt so sure about the husband.) Neither parant had physical 
contact with the child, so when the second came down with the same symptoms 
as killed the first, the medical community went into overdrive to find out 
what was going on.
I don't know the name of this illness, it is genetic in origin, but both 
infants blood created the chemical equivalent of anti-freeze into there 
The mother was released 3 years after her murder conviction. It was 

A St. Charles, Missouri woman was released from prison recently after her 
murder conviction of a store clerk was overturned. She was in prison for 16 

I hope this helps you out. 

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