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OT: Aly and Nick interview in Rolling Stone

Excerpt from the interview...this was the most interesting part...I got
it online somewhere...don't remember where though

It being a beutiful afternoon, Brendon and Hannigan who are done with
their scenes, repair to a picnic table in the mock graveyard, where ,
along with Head, whose family lives in England and who is trying to
conduct some of his personal life via cell phone from his trailer, they
have agreed to take part in a Buffy Roundtable.

What are your favorite episodes? I like it when you get to be bad
Willow, with the major cleavage

HANNIGAN: I enjoy it as well. Nick and I had a lot of fun with that. I
had inserts that are made of...

BRENDON: actually, human breasts. It's part of the donor program.

HANNIGAN: ...saline. Have you tried those Water Bras? I don't usually
wear a bra, but a friend of mine convinced me to try it, and I wore it
for the first time the other day. I couldn't stop squeezing my boobs. It
was cool.

BRENDON: And they have ones with nipples now, right?

HANNIGAN: You know, whats really great about those things is, when you
take them out, they get a little sweaty and you can stick them against
the wall.

BRENDON: It's like spagetti.

What do you feel you personally contribute to the show?

BRENDON: I've pretty much taken away. I've sucked and sucked and sucked.
We interpret. But then Joss comes down and says, "No, do it this way."
So I think the fact is that we all take direction well, when it counts.

HANNIGAN: I can hit a mark. I can find lens like nobody's business.

BRENDON: I don't even know what a lens is. I started at 25. I'm like,
"What's a mark? Light?" I don't understand that stuff. Like, what was it
yesterday - "action"? What's that supposed to mean? Yup, I'm ready. Just
say, "Go."

[At this point, Head arrives, looking miserable]

HANNIGAN: But Nicky was nominated for a Saturn Award. In fact, everyone
in the cast except Tony and me was nominated for a Saturn Award.

Whats a Saturn Award?

HANNIGAN: Who cares, really? Maybe Nicky cares.

BRENDON: They're the sci-fi and fantasy awards. But let's not talk about
that. Why didn't we get any Golden Globes?

HANNIGAN: The Golden Globes is because we served them [the Hollywood
Foreign Press Assosiation, who is responsible for this particular
honor], like, frozen lasagna.

HEAD: [To Hannigan] You know that SFX voted you and me the
second-sexiest people in science fiction.

HANNIGAN: But we didn't get nominated for a Saturn Award. We're the
second-sexiest people who can't act.

HEAD: But we're never going to get a bloody award, because they don't
know whether we're a comedy or a drama, and you have to be one or the

How about the subtext of the whole thing? Do you spend much time
considering the subtext of the whole thing?

HANNIGAN: No, not really. We spend most of our lives doing the text.

(went around sqeezing her boobs all day??? ROFLMAO!!!!)
Your humble bard and Rodrigo's dedicated love slave,

E x q u i s i t e + C o a l e s c e n c e
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F/F Slash fiction & artwork for the Buffy and Angel show

- Eternally jealous of Erin 'cause Joss and Fury impersonated her.
- Member of THE CITIZENS OF KANE - I have Christian's tousled hair on
- Member #102 of the Amber Benson is a Hottie Club
- Humble reciever of Joss love --- Joss says: (Wed May 17 14:05:24
2000 Hi, Kimber. I give you love. There is a squishy
element to it that I'd rather not discuss. But it's pudding-free.
- VERY humble reciever of an e-mailed "DAVID FURY-LOVE" ---I love you,
Kimber. There, happy? :-) Fury --
- SO's to all VIPS - Alyson, Amber Benson, James, Nicholas, Anthony,
Jeff, Joss, SMG, Eliza, David, Seth, Marti, Jane, Sophia, Fury and last
but never least, Erika from Velvet Chain (my fellow Duran Duran
- Keeper of Tara's ability to make Willow's eyes sparkle in "Superstar."

- Keeper of Tara's smokin sleeve ability in "Superstar."
- Keeper of Tara's stutter when she says the word Scoobys in "New Moon
- "Heavy lesbian witches rock!"

Final thought:
"One out of every ten people are born to give the other nine trouble.
Guess what number I am."

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