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FF: Legend chpt 11


By Sam

E-mail: Shadowmage_draco@xxxxxxxxx 
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters
commonly associated with Buffy the Vampire Slayer;
they belong the Joss Whedon, I am only borrowing them
for a short while and will put them back were I found
them when done. No copyright infringement is
Archive: Just ask
Pairing: B/W 
Notes: So much is going on: our favorite Slayer and
Wicca are together again (as it should be), Willow has
changed during her time with the goddess,
reinforcement come from England but they are not
alone, and it is time for them to learn of Ira?s fate.
Hope you enjoy. Feedback is the tool on which I
thrive, so send it if you wish, it will be greatly

Chpt 11: Destiny's hand

As soon as Buffy and Willow had finished their embrace
the slayer had demanded that Giles go get another room
for her and Willow and he reluctantly had complied. 
There were so many questions the watcher wanted to ask
Willow about the forever and what had happened there
and he was fairly certain that the rest of the group
wanted to talk with her, especially the girls mom. 
However when he had went to voice his opinion the look
on Buffy?s face as she held onto Willow told him
everything he needed to know, so he remained silent,
their questions could wait for later.

Shelia Rosenberg sat there in near shock, she didn?t
know what to say, or even to think anymore. The world
as she knew it had changed as Joyce talked with her,
she now knew of another world that existed in the
night, one where vampires and demons prowled the
streets. She had always suspected that something was
wrong with Sunnydale but she had never imagined the
hellsmouth, just the thought of such a thing sent a
cold shiver up her spine. Only two things put her at
ease over this recently discovered knowledge. First
Willow had returned safely and second that her
daughter?s girlfriend was the slayer, <if you were
going to live in the hellsmouth the best person to
know was defiantly Buffy Summers. >

Willow was setting up in the bed, her back leaning up
against the headboard, as Buffy snuggled up next to
her. Buffy placed her head on Willows shoulder and
the redhead began softly running her hand through the
slayers silky blond hair, she leaned over and gently
kissed Buffy on the forehead. 

Buffy let out a soft sigh, ?Willow promise me one

?I?ll promise you anything?

?Promise to never leave me. While you were gone I
could barely function. You?re my entire world,
without you I am nothing?

?I will never leave you, I wanted to come back to you
as soon as I arrived in the forever but it was vital
that I remained there for a short time. My time there
with the Goddess was necessary if I am to help you
fight Vlad and whatever else the darkness brings?


?Yes Buffy?

?I do want to know what happened there but can we talk
about it later?

?Sure? replied Willow before she gently kissed Buffy?s
lips, ?I love you so much I can?t even find the words
to express how I feel?

Buffy lifted her head off of Willows shoulders, ?Well
you know what they say, actions speak louder than
words,? replied a smiling slayer as she leaned in for
another kiss.

Giles sat at the table contemplating what he had just
learned. Help was on the way, but not anywhere close
to the scale he had been hoping for. The council had
decided that instead of sending more slayers in
training they would instead mass them together in
England and begin rigorous training so that they could
hit the Master vampyre with their own army if Buffy
was unable to stop him. So instead of warriors he was
getting two watchers and a council member. Giles
slammed his fist down on the table, <Damn them, don?t
they release that if Vlad succeeds that they won?t
just face him but would also be up against a vampiric
version of Buffy. > Giles shuddered at the last
thought that went through his mind, he still wasn?t
sure how to win but he had to stop that from happening
no matter what the cost.

Shelia and Joyce stood in the doorway to the home in
which the Rosenbergs had raised Willow. The place was
a wreck, most of the furniture had been smashed and
there was broken glass everywhere. The two women
walked cautiously into the living room, and could not
believe what they saw. Joyce barley caught Shelia as
she dropped to her knees screaming. Tears rolled down
her face, ?Why, God why??

The couch had been ripped in half and in-between the
two pieces lay the late Ira Rosenberg. On side of the
couch had the word ?Wicca? written on it and the other
side ?Slayer? written on it. Then written at Ira?s
feet was the phrase, ?Come to me.? Joyce did the
only thing she could think of, she helped Shelia up
and guided her out the house. Once outside she
grabbed the cell phone from her purse and made two
calls, one 911 call and another letting Giles know
what they had just found.

Eamonn sat in the in the first class cabin as the
airliner made it?s crossed the Atlantic, he observed
the council member and the two watchers as they talked
amongst themselves. They were totally unaware that he
was even on the plane, but that was to be expected,
after all he had been watching the council every since
the Slayer and the Wicca had first met years ago and
they still knew nothing of him. He leaned back into
the seat and closed his eyes, <soon he would reveal
himself to those who had been called. >

Buffy held Willow in her lap as she shed tears of
sorrow over the loss of her Dad. The slayer gently
rocked her beloved in her arms softly whispering
comforting words to the redhead and promising to
avenge her father?s death.

She knew what her Dad had done to Willow, how just a
few days ago he had kicked the most wonderful girl in
the world out of his life because he was to narrow
minded to see past his own prejudices. She also knew
that Willow despite all he had done still cared for
her Dad and it that it tore her up inside knowing not
only that he died but that he died at the hands of the
master vampyre. <Vlad Tepes Dracul I will find a way
to send you to hell, no one hurts My Willow like this.

Giles had just finished introducing Collin, Quentin?s
replacement on the council, and the two watchers,
Archer and Hughes, and now it was time to get ready
for the night. Collin was going to stay at the hotel
with the Hughes and the others as Buffy, Kathryn,
Giles and Archer went on patrol. Buffy looked over
at Willow, ?You ready.?

Willow got up and walked over to Buffy and grabbed her
hand, ?I?m ready?

?Willow, exactly what are you ready for: inquired
Giles fearing he already knew where this conversation
was headed.

Willow looked at Buffy and it was the slayer who
answered the question, ?We talked it over with our
moms and she?s going on patrol with me tonight, now
lets get going?

?No she?s not,? shouted Giles, ?Have the two of you
lost it, it?s to dangerous out there?

?And it?s nice and safe here, I think not. Last time
I left her so I could go out on patrol I almost lost
her and there is no way that I am going to allow that

?But Buffy?.?

Buffy rudely interrupted Giles by shouting over his
voice drowning the watcher out, ?But nothing this
discussion is over. If you don?t like it then you can
stay her and we will go on patrol by ourselves, but I
am not stepping a foot out that door without Willow by
my side were I know she is safe.?

Giles and the other watchers looked at the slayer, as
she stood there holding Willows hand and glaring them
down. He looked Buffy square in the eyes and saw that
there was no way that him or anyone else was going to
win this argument, especially since Buffy had Joyce
and Shelia in her corner.

Buffy and Willow walked through the cemetery holding
hand with Giles and Archer close behind them, both men
armed with crossbows. Kathryn walked on the other
side of Willow just as Buffy had told her to, just
incase there was a surprise attack from that
direction. Suddenly Buffy stopped and motioned for
Willow to get behind her. The redhead released the
slayer?s hand and stepped directly behind her very
protective lover. Seven vamps came around the corner
to Buffy?s right. Giles and Archer both let go with
shots from their crossbows and then there were five. 
Buffy sprung into action as the two watchers reloaded
their weapons. She caught on of the vamps with a side
kick to the jaw sending him backwards into a
tombstone. She then caught another with a leg sweep
knocking him to his back. One vamp tried to rush past
her when he saw Willow but she nailed him with a
clothesline to the throat sending him hard to the
ground. She produced Mr. Pointy and staked the vamp
she got with the clothesline. And then rolled over and
staked the vamp she nailed with the leg sweep. Two of
the vamps jumped her as one rushed past her only to
meet Kathryn, who connected with a kick to the chest,
followed by a series of quick jabs that knocked him
off balance. She then sent him flying backwards with
a roundhouse. By that time Buffy had finished off the
two vamps who had attacked her, she tossed a stake
through the air into the chest of the remaining
vampire as he picked himself off the ground. The
stake stopped short of hitting his heart and the vamp
smiled with relief as he started to pull it out, but
before he could Buffy hit him with a flying kick that
drove it all the way home and reduced him to dust.

Collin and Hughes both armed with crossbows sat in
their chairs facing away from one another. Collin was
carefully watching the door as Hughes kept vigil on
the window. Anya and Cordelia sat listening to the
scanner hoping not to get a repeat of last night but
that was not to be the case. A half-hour after the
sun went down calls started coming that the roving
gangs were back and had started attacking people who
were out and about on the UC Sunnydale campus. Joyce
and Shelia both sat there both hoping and praying that
Buffy and Willow were safe.

They had finished their patrol of the cemetery and had
started walking the campus. A several screams could
be heard from up ahead. Quickly Buffy rushed to see
what was happening, with the other right behind her. 
A group of fiftieth vampires had three students
trapped up against the wall to one of the buildings. 
?Can anybody play;? Buffy shouted at the vampires.

?The slayers decided to show herself, and had brought
her little witch friend with her,? said Wesley as he
stepped forward thinking how proud he was about to
make the master.

The vampires rushed the group as they took up their
fighting positions. As they did Willow threw out her
hands and all fifteen vamps went flying backwards, as
if thrown by some unseen force. Giles and Archer just
stood there stunned over what they had just witnessed.
Buffy and Kathryn however took full advantage over
what Willow had done, both of them produced stakes and
charged the vamps as they were getting back up to
their feet. Buffy staked to of them as they got up
and Kathryn got a third. A vampire attacked Kathryn
while ten of them surround Buffy, ?remember don?t kill
her? shouted Wesley as he stood back and watched. 
Buffy was starting to wonder how she was going to
fight ten vamps at the same time, especially since it
looked like they were going to be coming from all

The vampire had knocked Kathryn down and was preparing
to pounce on her when a stake from Giles crossbow
connected with him and ended his existence. She then
got back up to her feet and turned to see that the
slayer was in serous trouble.

Willow couldn?t believe what was happening, the
vampires had surrounded Buffy and were about to attack
her. The redheaded wicca concentrated on the vampires
that surrounded Buffy and with her right arm reached
out towards them screaming, ?Stay away from her.?

Suddenly a circle of fire formed around Buffy, rapidly
the flames spread out and engulfed the vampires. As
soon as the last of her attackers was destroyed the
flames vanished and Buffy found herself standing in
the middle of a circle, formed by the scorched earth,
unharmed. She turned to Wesley who stood there trying
to figure out what had just happened. The vampire was
so absorbed by what he had witnessed he didn?t even
notice as the slayer walked over to him and thrust a
stake into his heart. 

Buffy Walked over to Willow and gave her a big hug,
?Thanks, I think I owe you one now?

?You can pay me back later,? replied Willow grinning
from ear to ear.

Giles and the others stood there for a moment
contemplating what Willow had done, and dying to hear
the redheads explanation. They then quickly regrouped
and as the five of them started walking away to finish
the patrol of the campus a young man wearing a black
business suite stepped out from the hedges. Eamonn
smiled to as he watched the group walk away,
<everything was coming together rather nicely. >

Vlad stood at the edge of the campus, ?William, the
slayer and the witch are here tonight. Find them and
bring me the witch?

Spike looked at the master vampyre, ?Yes, Master.? He
then left with a force of thirty-five vampires behind

Vlad watched as his children departed, his plan had
worked better than he had anticipated. Not only had
he forced the slayer out of hiding but she had even
brought the witch with her. A sinister smile filled
his face, everything seemed to be coming together, and
soon they both would be his. 

The door to the mansion opened and the two vampires
that had been left behind stood up and began walking
towards the man who had been foolish enough to stumble
into the masters lair. The man waved his had through
the air and the two vamps approached him and they both
turned into. He then walked over to where Angel hung
and moved his hand over the chains that held the
tortured vampire. As he did the lock simply opened
and Angel fell into the man?s arms. The man then
looked at Angel, ?I am Eamonn. Be not afraid, your
suffering has come to an end.?

They could see them up ahead in the clearing, there
were about ten vampires. Buffy turned to Giles, ?This
Doesn?t look to bad?

The group followed Buffy into the clearing, but when
they did fifteen more vamps emerged from the bushes to
the right and another ten from the tree line to the
left. ?Nice of you to join us,? said Spike as he
walked out from behind the ten vampires they had
originally seen, the group had walked into an ambush. 

Giles and Archer both fired shots at the vampires
taking two of them out. As the two watchers reloaded
Willow pointed at the tree line and it burst into
flames catching most of the vampires on that side in
its flames. Buffy quickly positioned herself between
the vampires to their right as the watchers picked off
the remaining vampires to there left as they tried to
flee from the flames.

Buffy connected a right hook on a vamp only to have
two others grab her. She broke there grip and leg
swept one followed by a left hook and a upper cut that
put the other vampire on the ground. Three other
vampires rushed her as the ones she had knocked down
to the ground began to get back up. Buffy staked one
of them as he approached and started fending of the
other two as a third one knocked her to the ground. 
One of the vamps jumped on here but she managed to
roll away as he did so. As she got back up a vampire
hit her on the back of the head sending the slayer
sprawling forward. As soon as she hit the ground she
sprung back up and caught the vampire that had hit her
with a roundhouse sending him to the ground. She then
leg swept another one and staked him on the way down. 
A vampire ran at her put she dropped to the ground as
he went to tackle her and he flew overtop the blonde.

Kathryn had managed to stake one vampire only to come
face to face with Spike. The blonde vamp blocked every
one of her blows before connecting with a solid hit
that landed the girl flat on her back. The blond vamp
then grabbed the slayer in training and threw her into
the side of a tree.

As the vampires ran past Spike towards the two
watchers and the witch, Willow waved her hand and a
they burst into flames. The vampires fell to the
ground and started violently thrashing about for the
few quick moments before they turned to dust. 

Willow turned to the remaining vamps to see that there
were still six of them left. Buffy was giving it
everything she had just to block the punches and kicks
that were coming from every direction. The vampires
had got her trapped in a circle and were attacking
with all there fury. Giles and archer looked at
Willow who now was focusing on the vamps and for the
second time tonight a circle of flames surrounded
Buffy and engulfed her attackers. 

Buffy looked around her, all the vampires were gone
including spike. She walked over to where Kathryn was
lying on the ground and knelt down next to the slayer
in training as the others came up behind her. Buffy
turned to Willow, ?she?s still alive, but not by much?

Vlad ripped the empty chains from the wall and
violently threw them into the fireplace. What had
happened, not only did he loss the majority of his
children and been unable to capture the witch but his
prisoner was now gone. He looked at Spike who had
just finished telling him what had happened when they
tried faced the slayer in the witch, ?The girl is
stronger than we thought. I still will win this but
it is time for a change of plans. First we must leave
this place because the slayer know knows where it is. 
Second I will raise a new army, then we will attack
again. However it is time things will be different. 
It now appears that the witch is more of a threat than
the slayer.?

?So we use the slayer as bait for the witch, Master,?
asked the blonde vampire wondering if he had correctly
guessed the masters plan.

Vlad?s whole body shook in anger, and his words were
filled with pure hatred, ?No we kill the slayer, and
when the witch is in mourning I will destroy her. The
two of them have ruined my plans and they will die for

?And what of the next slayer?

?After facing the witch and this slayer whoever is
called will be easy to turn.? Replied Vlad as he began
to walk towards the door of the mansion. <Soon he
would have his revenge and the two girls would be no
more. >

Giles and Archer carried Kathryn into the room and
placed her on the bed. Willow helped Buffy over to one
of the chairs, the slayer was covered with cuts and
bruises from her last battle. Then to everyone?s
amazement Willow lifted her hand up in front of Buffy,
as she did a strange golden glow seemed to emanate
from it. She then slowly moved her hand back and
forth across Buffy?s body. The slayer?s wounds seemed
to mysteriously vanish as Willow pasted her hand over
them. After that she walked over to the bed and
placed her hand above Kathryn?s head and slowly moved
it above the girl?s body, healing her just as she did
Buffy. When she was done the exhausted wicca went
over to the chair Buffy was in and sat in the slayers
lap. Willow then looked at the others and saw the
expressions on their faces, the time had come to
explain what exactly had happened in the forever.

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