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FF: Wild Angels ch. 2

Okay, here's a rather small update on Wild Angles...I admit it's rather short...but I hope you enjoy it, anyway.:-)

Okay, I know it's been a while, so I'll give you a brief synopsis of what happened in part one.:-) Buffy and Willow got into a fight over Tara, although Willow really has no idea why Buffy got so upset. Buffy went to a bar, looking for a beer, and ended up meeting an Angel and getting a rootbeer instead.:-) Meanwhile, Willow went for a walk to clear her head and ran into a pack of vampires instead.:-)

Chapter Two

Not far from the bar, sitting on a park bench, another angel was waiting. She checked her watch, wondering if the event that she was waiting for was ever going to occur. Sometimes God wasn?t too precise with his instructions. Just then, a young girl burst from the bushes a dozen yards from her, running as if she had the demons of Hell on her tail. This was partly true, a pack of vampires emerged through the bushes after her, cursing at her as she evaded them, her long legs eating up the distance.

Willow noticed a bright light up ahead. Thinking it was somebody?s house and she could possibly get inside, leaving her chasers outside, she ran towards it determinedly, hearing the vampires catching up behind her.

As she got closer, the luminescence got brighter, almost blinding her with its intensity. She could tell now, it was no house she ran towards, but she really didn?t have any other choice but to keep going forward. If she stopped or ran to the side the Vampires would have her for sure.

Suddenly, a loud howling registered on her panicked brain. She could tell it was coming from the Vampires behind her, and she risked a glance back, noticing how they had stopped running, casting vengeful looks her way as they shielded their eyes from the dazzing brightness.

The vampires clearly still wanted their prey, but they were unable to move forward any further. Willow stopped and stared at this, wondering why they had stopped. It was then that she heard a low melodic Irish lilt consume the air around her. "Minions of darkness, leave this child of God alone, and return to whence you came."

The vampires hissed at the sound of the angel?s voice, but they had no choice but to comply. They were powerless against the force behind the voice. Willow watched them as they dispersed, shaking her head in wonder.

When she turned around again, the brightness had dimmed, leaving only the placid flare of a street light to show the way, and she could see the figure of a woman, sitting alone on a park bench. The woman looked relatively calm, as if nothing strange or unusual had just occured, and Willow was left wondering if the hell mouth had finally driven her crazy, and the bright light she had seen had been a figment of her imagination...along with the pack of vampires that she had thought were chasing her.

The woman on the park bench smiled at her encouragingly, and Willow stepped forward curiously, wondering what she was doing alone out here at night. The closer she came to the woman, the calmer she became, as if the woman had a strange settling quality about her...enough to tranqualize her frazzled nerves.

"Hello." The woman called, the sweet melodic twinkling of her voice settling the wiccan?s nerves even further. "My name is Monica...what?s your name?"

Willow wasn?t able to take her eyes off of the unusual woman as she answered her in a strange daze of shock. "Willow."

"Well, Willow." The Angel greeted her, a pleasant smile lighting her features. "Have a seat...I have a tale to tell." She patted the park bench invitingly, smiling as the red headed girl sank down onto it, almost nervelessly.

...to be continued.
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